jerk. mmm, smell that, nikita? i hope she saves some for us. crap. i wasn't watching television. i thought it was interesting -- right. in my hands i have five back-up disks he made of all of his work last night. i'll make my usual arrangements and expect my usual bonus. a pleasure doing business with you. i trust your flight was comfortable? tell the driver: the hyatt hotel. i'll call you again in twenty minutes. excuse me, your highness. room 1414. ten thousand dollars per disk. insert the first disk now. oh, god. what? um, five. where are we going? nikita, hush. she won't stop unless you let her out. what? how did you know i had a cat? who the fuck are you? who do you work for? yeah? bullshit. you're one of them, aren't you? a fucking pro. jesus! what do you think you're doing? what do you mean, 'that's all'? what in the hell do you know? ten million -- now what? you want me to pump? okay, nikita, stay calm, think, breathe, think. come on, come on, it's a cake walk. please, please. letter? no. i don't have it. shut up! stop trying to tell me what i'm thinking! i'll tell you what you're thinking -- you think i'm not going to shoot you but right now you're not so sure, are you? you're thinking that maybe it was a mistake to give me this gun, that maybe i'm not going to think about things logically because i'm a woman and i'm freaked out and i'm going to do something impulsive and irrational -- right? you don't know shit about me! now sit down! okay. how did you find me? you didn't know anything about me. nikita? you're one of them, aren't you? an assassin? what does that mean? who is that other guy? someone hired both of you? so this is something between you and him? why? he wants to kill you? why? and you want to use me to get him? forget it! don't tell me i don't have a choice! i'm two seconds away from making my choice which means you've got two seconds to tell me why i shouldn't shoot you. i don't need you to get the money -- my money! i don't need the money. then you can have the disks and i'll just walk out that door -- why? you don't know that -- you're trying to scare me. how? oh jesus jesus. shut up! all right! you've said enough! i need to think. to be alone. oh shit, nikita. cheers. listen -- i don't even know your name. electra. yeah. no. just electra. what i'm trying to say is that -- i'm not sure i can do this, help you, unless i know more about you. if bain hadn't taken the contract on me, would you have? why? this is crazy. i can't trust you. you can't trust me. how can we possibly help each other? with computers. better than playing with yourself. had? he was white? it looks like white's game. why didn't you finish this game? he was killed. by who? why? where you wanted to be? how did you get into the business? the c.i.a.? how old were you? jesus -- why? you were like a boy genius? why not? you went from high school to the agency? they didn't give you a choice, did they? but you knew what they were training you for? ahhhh. the exotic women. why not? why? why did you leave the agency? they tried to kill you? then you went freelance? tell me about the first time. yes. because i want to know. are they usually like that? after that? did it ever bother you? that's fiction. does that mean it didn't bother you? no. something honest. mate. i hope your plan is better than your game. three days? are you going to tell him? you said you didn't trust it. what kind of bank is going to allow us to withdraw ten million dollars the day it is transferred? several. where is it? god, i love first class. i remember when i was a little girl, i would wonder what it was like up here. i would always try to peek through the curtains. i hope nikita's all right. hey, where are you? about? i've never been to the gulf of mexico. is it as nice as they say? you were there? so, that's where all that s & l money is? what? did you see them? they looked like they were in love. well, i think i'll take a bath. come on, nikita! that felt great. you should try it. don't you ever get tired of playing the same game? why not? oh. what do you think about? do you think about the game? but you've never figured out a way to win. not even a stalemate? what happens if you do? can i ask you something? what will you do if this works, if we get the money? that sounds nice. i'm kind of tired. i think i'd like to try and get some sleep. thanks. do you think he's here? in costa blanca. what do you think he's doing? why don't you bring it out here? it's beautiful out here. i know what you are thinking. i'm not going to disappear, okay? i'm not going anywhere, just down there, to that beautiful beach. i got to get out of this room, just for a little while. really? book. sunglasses. great. sorry. the beach? it was nice. that was beautiful. tai chi, right? where did you learn it? not that i would know, but you look like you're really good at it. i've always wanted to learn something like that. oh, my god. ten million dollars. two way? cheap as shit. they saw you coming a mile away. if i had known we'd be using -- fine. check. but he won't shoot you right then? okay. then what? aiiee. more waiting? i don't know if i like this plan. why won't he wait until the bank closes? what? what if he brings it with him? that means you won't have a gun. and with the mikes, i'll tell you when he leaves the hotel and you'll tell me when he leaves the bank. you'll have the money. how do i know that you won't -- we split the money? sounds pretty well figured out. except -- except, if he doesn't come out of the hotel. you can't know for sure, how can you? i mean, you're not him. for nicholai? you killed him here? in this city, outside that bank? what is it? i don't like this at all. what is going on here? i don't believe that. ten years ago. what happened? what did he want? was that it? you didn't take it. ten years later, here you are again. this has been the longest day of my life. do you have ulcers? i think i got one today. what do you suppose he's doing now? i hate bishops. they're useless. i like knights. so? do you hear them? listen. did you think they were newlyweds? when i first saw them i thought they were married. i went into their room this afternoon. it was no big deal. i saw them leave, i went in. nobody ever sees me. i heard them last night and it made me want to know something about them. i wanted to, so i did. she is married, but not to him. another man, much older. she has four kids. the young guy works for her. and i think she likes kinky sex. isn't it interesting though? i mean, look at us, in this room. or yesterday, when we were walking in the plaza market. i mean, we look like just another couple. but what are we? doesn't it seem so crazy? no? i know. it makes me crazy. i don't know. when i was in college, i was forced to go to a psychiatrist because i was caught drilling holes in my dorm room floor. so i could watch the girl that lived under me. he told me that my curiosity became unnaturally entangled with my sense of self-preservation. he believed it all went back to one night, when as a little girl. i watched my parents have this big fight, really big. i thought my mother was going to kill my father. then they went into their room and made up. and i watched them make love through the keyhole. what? why? i'm playing white, remember. you can't tell me which pieces to move. it doesn't work that way. can i ask you something? am i attractive? are you attracted to me? why? is it a physical thing, or a mental thing? is that why you didn't want to talk about women before? attraction is a complication? it happened to you before? who was she? what happened to her? did you -- was she the only one? is this becoming complicated? were you attracted to me right away? when did it start? uh-huh. maybe you should see a psychiatrist. that doesn't sound normal. i know. that's why i'm attracted to you. i mean, you make me nervous. you're intimidating. maybe it's my curiosity. self-preservation thing, but all i can really think about right now is kissing you. i wanted to tell you -- my real name is anna. martin. nice to meet you, martin. i'm ready. he's here. he's inside. ten million dollars, sitting there. waiting. this is insane. oh my god. he's coming. what? shit. right. okay. what? was nice. god, i can't find it! i can't find it! i can't find the fucking gun! it wasn't with his other stuff! oh, god. i see it!