a bank official walks over to the window, carrying a printed receipt, with a very bright smile. the official is talking to the teller in spanish, when electra whispers in rath's ear. rath is sitting in one of the high backed leather chairs set in pairs along the wall of the bank. the official walks over to rath with a number of papers to sign. there is a faint smile on rath's lips. the sun clock on the wall, perfectly still, reads 5:20. after a long beat a single minute clicks off. rath looks up at the clock, smiles. bain charges into the bank, tearing off his sunglasses, scanning the room. his face is a twisted grimace, streaked with black charcoal. his body and clothes are covered in sweat and large salt rings. his breathing labored. rath is at the counter, as the official loads perfectly stacked blocks of crisp one hundred dollar bills into the case. for rath, everything has changed. rath is now afraid. the bank is almost empty. rath has begun to sweat. the sun clock reads six o'clock.