my god. my god. it's him. i don't know what you're talking about. i don't know any carlos. please i'm telling you the truth. i don't know what you're talking about. i'm not from here. i just came to visit a girlfriend. this is her apartment. she'll be here tomorrow. please. i swear to you. i'm telling the truth. what. what are you going to do to me. you bastard! i haven't see you for two years and this is the way you. i came all the way to this god- forsaken country didn't i? i've been holed up in this place you arranged for me for the past twenty-four hours. i couldn't eat i couldn't sleep. nothing just sitting in here waiting for you. whoever stocked this place with food didn't leave much of a selection. i wanted to go out and get some nice things for you. you weren't supposed to be here for another three hours. i could have made a nice dinner. my god. my god. just getting some air in here. don't be so jumpy. forget about what's in there. i found caviar and, here's some pate. couldn't eat a bite of it. what? what are you talking about? you're crazy. no one. i. illich. listen. i ran out of cigarettes and. and i was at a cafe and i bummed a cigarette. i had a cigarette and coffee and came back here. that's all. yes. yes. you know i can't have coffee without a cigarette. the french. the dst. they made me. i didn't have any choice.