how do you feel? you spoke english well enough to your contact. the street vendor. so please let's not play games. we're both professionals, carlos. yes, i know what your name is. illich ramirez. alias carlos sanchez, alias carlos martinez, alias the jackal. listen to me you piece of shit. i'm trying very hard to be professional about this but you are in israeli hands now. so don't play games with me. entiende hombre? amazing how much your english has improved in just a few seconds. remarkable. remarkable performance. the chutzpa of it is unbelievable. my hat is off to you carlos. carlos. give me a break, huh? if you were an american officer you would have. id papers, dog tags. you ditched them. yoni. i want you to go back to the old city. where we caught. carlos. i want you to be very inconspicuous. take a half dozen men. you comb every alleyway there. every garbage can. everything you can find. for what looks like a u.s. military id if there is such a thing there. who said there was a problem? there's no problem. i just asked you to do something and you're going to do it. so there's no problem. nu? oyyyy. hello miguel. my name is amos. i hope there are no hard feelings. don't let all this equipment fool you. carlos still has the home court advantage. he has the best protection in the world. three layers at least at all times. next and maybe most important. carlos himself. the french dst came to arrest him once. he was at his apartment, drunk, playing his guitar. he actually had them convinced it was all a mistake. then he went into his bathroom, took a shave mind you so he would look his best for the interrogation and when he came out managed to shoot each of them through the forehead. then he got the informer who had betrayed him, put him down on his knees and killed him. think of it. he took a shave and didn't even nick himself once. finally, there are political realities. whoever hits carlos has to realize that he'll unleash against himself a fanatical wave of terrorist activity in retribution. this is going to be unlike any learning experience you've ever had before. for one thing, we're going to push to all your limits. fatigue, frustration and fear. we're going to make you more terrified than you've ever been in your life just to see how you handle the fear. any other learning experience you get things ninety- nine point nine nine nine percent right you get an "a." here if you get things ninety-nine point nine nine nine percent right. you get. i'm not as cold-blooded as my american friend. it would bother me very much if you were dead. so we will teach you to stay alive. but no questions. just do. otherwise. because carlos is the master of the techniques of survival which we will teach you and because he is an efficient killer for whoever employs him, then for him there are simply no rules. unlike you miguel, you're a rule follower, aren't you? carlos is the opposite of that and that's what's so seductive, you know? he can kill whomever he chooses. ravish whoever he chooses. take whatever he chooses. do. whatever he chooses. it is to be in many ways a superman, not bound by the mores or morals of humanity. good morning. how's the porridge, you like it? good. finish everything in the pot. no questions. just do. name and place of birth! your father? yes. carlos' father abandoned him and his mother because he wanted to be a playboy. your father abandoned you in effect, when he was sent to prison. either way, it's a lonely child missing his father. i want you to take what you know of your real father and superimpose it onto this the image of carlos' father, so when you talk of one you are talking of the other with the same emotion. the same love, the same resentment. the same sadness, the same anger. you finish all your porridge? good now you can have some more. why miguel amigo, whatever is the matter? congratulations! you're acting like a child. like a spoiled brat. finally you're acting like a willful spoiled child which is just what carlos was. as a child carlos was fed that porridge that you love so much every day. he hated it. every woman or man he's ever been close to he told about that porridge. how the very smell of it made him sick. and now it makes you sick. his father smoked cigars. the same ones whose smell you complained about. the only cover that can save your life. is the one you believe yourself. now. are you ready to pass the next test? i'll take that for a yes. you're about to go into your house. your wife has told you she was away with the children for a week. she is entering the house for the first time in a week with you. the children are still at grandma's so the two of you have a nice romantic time ahead of you. walk through the house. through the living room and the kitchen only. you have thirty seconds. walk casually through the house so as not to make her suspicious of anything you do and find out if she's telling you the truth or not. if you pass this test your questions will be answered. if not. you'll be sent home to virginia and this will be the end of it. nu? is she telling the truth or lying? how do you know it was a man? money. fifty million. not for the forces of world revolution this time, but for him, in his pocket with a new identity and cia protection. they'll believe it. if we lay it out right. they'll believe it. not so fast. you're far from ready. i would think another three months of training and then. it should be hitting him now. i hope we didn't go too far with this. annibal! it's over! it's over, jack. he's it. and to match your new wardrobe, in another two days your bandages will come off and you'll get to show your beautiful new nose to carla. carlos used her. like he uses a lot of women. she emigrated to israel. now she wants to get even. she's about thirty-seven. still attractive. "when in doubt, close your eyes and think of england." we've got it. just confirmed. the kgb has set up a surveillance on agnieska. and agnieska has received her summons from her long-lost love. carlos, telling her to come and meet you. at the meeting you convince her you're carlos. you ask her to handle some bank transactions. she will. then the kgb knows carlos and ortega are the same man. then later they'll see you meet with a cia agent. they'll have all the pieces. they'll know carlos has turned. libya. that's where carlos is. the waiting is more dangerous to you than going to libya. we've laid out a trap. now we have to be careful not to get caught in it ourselves. jack doesn't know that we're having this talk and i don't want him to know. understand? nothing can make you ready for combat but combat. jack would be against me telling you this. he would say you shouldn't have a thought in your head that we haven't put there but you're not just a box that we're going to fill up with our own ideas. you have a right to know certain things. but now you love me and we're going to run away to san francisco and find a reformed rabbi to perform a mixed gay marriage. listen to me. you're going to feel more alone than you've ever felt in your life. it will hit you all of a sudden and you'll think your heart's going to jump out of your chest, you'll think everyone around you can hear your heart beating, and that everyone around you is an enemy agent. i want you to be prepared for that. so you can deal with it. understand? we had an agent. the best we ever had in training. we were going to infiltrate him into beirut and then use him to penetrate the pflp. no student ever scored higher than this man. we set up his cover for six months in argentina. he was perfect. and then we sent him to beirut. he got off the plane, went to his hotel, went up to his room and had a nervous breakdown. we had to mount an operation to send in a man posing as a doctor so we could drug him and get him out on a plane. okay? now you understand? nothing prepares you. i want you to know that so when it hits you, you don't panic, you feel the fear and then get rid of it. you splash some water on your face. you take some deep breaths. you look in the mirror and when you look in that mirror, i don't want you to find annibal ramirez. you find carlos. if you find carlos, that's what everyone else will find too. and if you find carlos and anything goes wrong, he's the one who can get you out of it. because he's the best. you will. you'll need a time of decompression and it will be hard at first, but you will. because inside you aren't carlos. you aren't a terrorist. but right now, in order to save your life, you've got to be. you've got to look in the mirror and find carlos. do you understand? you won't be able to go in with a gun. too risky. so we're going to have to get one to you once you're in place. how i don't know yet. but we'll get one to you. you'll make your way out by boat. we'll be on it. but we won't be able to help if anything goes wrong. we'll make our way down the coast to a friendly state and then fly back to london, and from there back to the u.s. practicing safe sex, i hope. it would have been too dangerous. annibal. policemen wind up shooting other policemen. it happens. i would rather have you here feeling guilty about them than to know there was a meeting in paris tonight where they were feeling guilty about you. down!! get out of here. now. get out now. my dear boy. my dear dear boy. i am dead. please god, don't let it all be for nothing. get out now. walk slowly. no attention.