carlos reaches into his pocket. is he perhaps going for a grenade to toss at these soldiers? we build tension as he pulls out instead, another roll of film and with great determination, we have the click of the door of the camera to enhance our music beat as tension builds. surely it can't be long till carlos does something awful. seconds later, the two kgb come out. this time, only andrei takes after ramirez. ivan gets into a taxi which heads in an opposite direction. reaching the upper floor, they hear the muffled sound of rhythmic music coming from the far end of the hallway to their right. the head kgb officer motions his aide to move into the corridor to their left. he does, taking three kgb with him. four others -- including andrei and ivan -- follow the head kgb officer into the hallway to their right. in the beam of ivan's flashlight, a waking japanese is reaching for his gun. pffft. pfffft. and he too falls back to sleep. eternally. glued to the back of a tree, the jackal cuts them down with one short burst and goes for the kgbs who appear at the broken window. as they take cover, he quickly confiscates a kalashnikov from the dead kgb closest to him and makes it to the high wall which encircles the place.