as the bus parks by the dc 9, carlos jumps out and waves to the media. not the customary v-sign, but the wave of a celebrity. the hostages then, under their captors' guns, file compliantly out of the bus and onto the plane. a line of exhausted, bleary-eyed middle-aged men in expensive suits and in need of a shave. carlos however, is as fresh, alert and energetic as the morning of the attack. and he's definitely savoring the moment. the man in silhouette now lowers the camera and we see that he is carlos! there is no mistake even though the nose, perhaps is a little different and this time he is clean- shaven, it is still carlos the jackals. he smiles slightly. the parents turn to them as they enter. the parents wear the look all parents wear in their children's hospital rooms at the signt of the doctor who may be able to save their child's life. a look of hope. a look of desperation. ramirez picks up the bowl and throws it across the room. ramirez knows they have doped him. ramirez jumps out of the jeep, coming straight at jack. as the street urchins continue to beg and grab at his luggage, and the taxi driver demands impatiently to be paid, suddenly out of nowhere, a bellboy appears and smacks one of the kids who falls to the ground. they all disperse as the bellboy takes the luggage and leads ramirez who pays the cab driver and then crosses to the hotel. koj crosses around in front of ramirez to get a better look, obviously surprised to see what he thinks is carlos. koj leans in close to ramirez. the head kgb officer puts on his glasses and takes a closer look at the monitor.