that's right. that's not what i told him. i said he recognized me. afterwards i realized who he was. by then it was too late. i wasn't the one wearing the disguise. how often do you see someone holding a live grenade listening to the fuse? besides, the arrogant son of a bitch bastard smiled at me. who's asking for it? he does, does he? who brought my name up? where? they got him here in their own backyard and they're gonna let him walk away?! bullshit! let 'em handle it like the israelis would. then let me take him out! they want me to meet him at the airport. i can get close enough to get a clear shot at him. we can end this shit now. fuck the hostages! harold, we can handle it with a minimum loss of life. what do you think carlos is gonna do with that money? put it in mutual funds? he'll use it to hit us. let me assemble a team and we can. i gotta hit the john. i think it's him, but i can't be sure. not with those dark glasses and the beard. eat shit and die slow. you're not gettin' it are ya? these weren't some yokels. this was the israeli general security service. the mossad. the best in the business. they have the most complete dossier there is on carlos, the latest pictures of him. everything. i mean what's that tell you? scott. doesn't it hurt to walk around like that with your head up your ass. i mean isn't it painful? jesus. lieutenant commander ramirez my name is jack shaw. i'm with the government. i'd like to talk to you about what happened in israel. mrs. meir is dead, lieutenant commander. commander ramirez when i said i was from the government, perhaps i should have been more specific. i'm from the cia. does the man in that picture look familiar? i know it's not you. this is the only recent shot we have of him. telescopic lens from half a mile away taken by the israelis. can you blame 'em for what happened? the only difference is the eyes. lieutenant commander, i am not here about your lawsuit. carlos is the single most vicious terrorist in the world. he's personally carried out or masterminded the worst terrorist attacks in modern history. men, women, children. children like yours. blown to bits or slaughtered in cold blood. annibal. why did you join the navy? to serve your country. to protect her from her enemies. well carlos is one of her enemies now. and he'll probably become a bigger one. terrorism. unfortunately is a growth industry. lieutenant commander, the governments of most countries in the free world have been after carlos for ten years and we have nothing to show for it. there is exactly one person in the world who can help us get carlos. and that person is you. all i can tell you is it may take as much as six months to a year of preparation. it will involve a high degree of risk. that much said, you may never as much as lay eyes on him yourself. but if we succeed carlos won't be a threat to anyone anymore. now i know you're going to need some time to think about it so. annibal. we do keep bumping into each other don't we. how do you do, mrs. ramirez? i was over at your lovely home the other day but i felt cheated because i had to leave before i had the pleasure of meeting you. para servirle, yo soy encantado de conocerte. shaw. jack shaw. perdonname, i didn't think you'd be embarrassed to speak spanish in front of the admiral. a sus ordenes. let me guess the white wine is for your wife right? cause you're afraid to drink anything stronger than club soda around the brass. how do you stand this shit annibal? i mean they're all so fuckin' constipated. oh there's a fiery retort. i'd believe it if you said it a little louder. look at these guys. you don't belong with them. you belong with me. what did darth vader say to luke? come over to the dark side? you have no idea of the power we have. how's it going to look in your jacket? your country came to you requesting help and you turned it down. not exactly promotion material, know what i mean? these people don't want you in their club, annibal. i do. i want you to come with me. okay. then you are ordered to come with me. it's for you. put it on. because i just told you to. you need a phone call for that, too? the boy was flown here from germany. his parents are u.s. military personnel. navy family. a bomb was planted in a grocery store that was frequented mainly by u.s. military dependents. they believe it was carlos or one of the cells he runs. how old is your kid? hmmph. so is this kid. doctor ramirez, lieutenant and mrs. newcomb. the parents of the child who was wounded in the terrorist attack. he's going to help out. he's the only one. here's the boy's chart, doctor. as you can see, one kidney was destroyed by the shrapnel. there's a large perforation in the left lung, the spleen, the large intestine, the stomach lining were all torn. there are over a hundred individual shrapnel fragments. it was obviously designed by carlos to maim, not to kill. to get what i want? these are pictures of just some of carlos' victims. most of them are children. we haven't had time to get that kid's picture in yet. up until i heard about you, all we could do about carlos was take pictures of his victims. i wasn't lying to those people. you are the only one who can do anything about carlos. i'm not the bad guy, annibal. carlos is. i'm just trying to make you see the choices. who are you angry at? me for bringing you down here or carlos for blowing up that kid? which of us deserves your anger? this is an ad hoc operation set up specifically for your mission. when that's over, not even a trace of it will remain. you don't need to know anyone's name. and from now on, your name is miguel. security. of course it is. your mother is irish. irish american. something wrong, miguel? your father was in a cuban prison if i'm correct. your mother used to take you to visit him there, didn't she? i'm sure that's a disturbing memory. let's just say everything has its purpose. and miguel. no one is to know anything about you other than that you're our student. so don't call me sir, because it's like wearing a sign on your forehead that you're military. from here on out forget the navy. this is our surveillance and satellite tracking center. just as we are plotting to destroy carlos, if he knew what we're trying to do, i assure you he'd try to find a way to kill us first. carlos has two main safe houses. one in libya, one in east germany. we have satellites that pass over each one three times a day. unfortunately, the russians know exactly when our satellites are in position so we have to assume that carlos knows as well. there's one person i want you to meet, though i think the two of you have already been introduced. miguel, this is a combined israeli- american operation. amos here knows carlos better than anyone in the free world. he was the one who took that picture of carlos in libya. that by the way, is the last question you're going to ask. from now on you'll get information when and how we want you to get it. not before. you don't ask questions, you just do what you're told. dead! and i'll tell you the truth. i honestly in my heart of hearts don't care whether you live or die. don't take that personal. i don't care whether i live or die. i do care about getting carlos. that's all i care about. you already have. what were the names on the last three tombstones you passed on your right? that's what will get you killed. carlos is always looking. always paying attention. always. and if you learn what we can teach you, you'll be one, too. if not, you'll be dead. you need to not only remember the names on every tombstone, but where they are so when i call out a name, you whirl and shoot. brisson! we don't want you to be comfortable. that's just what will get you killed. dupres! paquet! what kind of milk, how many cartons, open or closed, what kind of juice, how full was the bottle, was it cottage cheese or cream cheese, how many bottles of beer, how many tomatoes? this is life and death! look here. ten seconds, how many cups, saucers, plates, look this time! here's the thing about carlos. he doesn't fit any mold. his father is an extraordinarily wealthy playboy who's a marxist at the same time. dufraisne! the guy's such a fanatic he names his three sons after lenin. and i don't mean john. the same thing is true for carlos. he's a guerilla fighter who loves champagne and caviar. lapierre! he doesn't want to be che guevara, he wants to be the james bond of the people's liberation front. it's not so much radical chic as an excuse for sadism. paquet! dead again. it's a transmitter. target practice. you're the target. if you shoot out the receivers, they'll stop. there are ten rounds in this clip. the first two are live, the next three dummy, then three live, two dummy. three times dead. and not a navy lieutenant commander, which is exactly what would get you killed. we couldn't just let you study carlos. if this thing is going to work, you have to become him. when he was in school he was a scrawny little kid. the last one to get picked for any teams. he felt as clumsy as we've made you feel. time's up. how do you know? what else? the plan is to get the kgb to eliminate carlos for us. carlos knows every link between the kgb and every terrorist organization in the world. he's not only the smoking gun, he knows every contact there ever was. we make the kgb think that carlos is ready to turn. ready to go over to the cia, and they'll take him out. brilliant, doctor! and tasty, too! i'd rather have him wind up in a mental institution fucked up on lsd than shot in some back alley in libya. if he can't handle this, he sure as shit can't handle going operational. you're going to hit a hairpin turn exactly three tenths of a mile from the stop sign which should be coming into view at any minute. don't stop for the stop sign, don't even slow down for it. you've got to hit the hairpin exactly fifteen seconds after you pass the stop sign. the hairpin should be right in front of you. keep your focus. you can't let down even after you negotiate the turn. you never know what's going to be around the next corner. or whose life might depend on your reactions. you can't let down! this isn't a game. it is life and death. you have to be ready for anything, all the time. the clip in your gun has three live, two dummy, one live, three dummy, one live. you pussy. you rule-following pussy. you know why you don't fuck around on your wife? not because you don't want to. you're a man. you want to fuck everything. but you don't. because you're afraid it would cost you what. your wife, your family, your self respect maybe. you know what carlos would do if he was married? he'd bring whatever woman he wanted home and make his wife fuck her. that's what no rules means. that's what you're too much of a pussy to get. yes, my good son. stay out of it. what you'll wear from now on. black t-shirt and jeans. it's the only thing carlos ever wears whenever he's not out being a terrorist. it's the opposite of what he was forced to wear as a child. you know. the school uniforms, the white tight collared shirts. it's become like a fetish for him. she's a venezuelan. she was carlos' main squeeze about fifteen years ago. she'll put the finishing touches on the act. he put her on an airplane with a bomb in her suitcase. she would have gone up with everything else. what's that song say? there are fifty ways to leave your lover? make that fifty- one. so it's not gonna be a hardship. making love to her. annibal. the way in is a woman. her name is agnieska. it's part of the trap. the kgb will be watching her. we'll make sure of that. she's a more recent girlfriend of carlos. but they've got to be convinced and so does she. carlos, you, are going to ask her to do something. she has to believe you're him or she won't risk it. what the fuck are you lookin' at? you're gonna help murder this guy, you draw the moral line at extramarital sex? don't think of it as cheating. think of it as fucking for the flag. well. not the most painful way to burn your bridges behind you, huh miguel? saint miguel the faithful husband is dead. long live carlos. you've cheated on your wife. now you can do anything. hey, pussy's pussy. got what confirmed? i wonder what he's doing now. we didn't. how the fuck should we know? they didn't tell us this time. why should they it was their operation. and we sure as shit weren't gonna let them in on you being here. annibal, the important thing was it worked! the russians have to think it was carlos now. . what did they see? they trail the girl. and then there's a shoot out. let's make sure they know it was dst. we can make sure they get that information. if they know the dst was there then what were they doing there if it wasn't to get carlos. she betrayed you, so tomorrow we take her name off the bank account and we set up another place for them to get their pictures. we burned libya but okay so we'll find another place. the only thing that matters is they've got to believe it now. it's perfect! hey fuck our allies! annibal. you did what you had to do and it worked. all the training worked. carlos couldn't have done it any better. no, go right ahead. this isn't the place for this conversation. no he won't. he's gonna make a move and it'll be in europe just to stick it up the dst's nose. i'm gonna go and find out about our connecting flight. mister simon wicks, please. this is jack shaw. could you send a clean-up crew to heathrow. we've had a rather nasty spill. yes. i'm calling about my cousin. oh jesus. oh jesus. i understand. yes. good bye. he's dead. he would have been dead anyway and he knew it. that's why he told you to get out. looks like you're going to get to see your family after all. you're going home. it's off. for the time being at least. tough shit what you want, annibal. koj had a ticket for libya on him. chances are he wasn't looking for you but. that's what i think too but the director wants an operation review board. the dst shoot out. the girl winds up dead in paris. now this. i've got to go back for the review and you've got to go home. what do you mean it was your fault? it was a password. you didn't know it. anything you would have tried would have backfired. i had a thing like that. awfully warm for this time of year. the response was, yes but not as sticky as two summers ago. the guy says anything else. he even hesitates, you shoot him. i shot him. there was nothing else you could have done. nobody's askin' you. they're shuttin' us down. you go back home. maybe i'll see you again. maybe i won't. you'll either hear from me or you'll get new sea duty and that's the end of it. just like that. i ain't the madam kid. i'm just one of the whores. and so are you. little league, huh? tough game. it's show time. there isn't any time. he's on his way to east berlin. we have word he's planning another attack in europe. he'll be there maybe four days at the most. hey, he was a baseball dad. he deserved it. besides, from what i heard his kid was out, so what's the beef? what happened to i want the son of a bitch dead? you think carlos has had a change of heart and turned nice all of a sudden? you want to get back to bein' you? then finish it. kill him. kill him and he's dead and it's over with. you walk away from it now and what do you think you're gonna be like the next time you read that that son of a bitch blew up some airplane full of women and kids. this isn't abstract, annibal. you're walkin' around with his face. sooner or later one of the bad guys is gonna see it like koj did, and next time amos won't be there to take the bullet for you. carlos doesn't forget. you help me get him or you're never gonna know when he's comin' after you. listen to me kid. i don't have any friends, no family, no nothin'. the only relationships i ever had that mattered to me were with the people i killed. but i. i fucking created you! you can't just walk away now. this doesn't have anything to do with you and me. it's you and carlos. you help me kill him. or i swear to you. i'll make sure he knows about you. i'll use you for bait. you and your whole fuckin' family too. huh? huh? you want to try and kill me, that doesn't solve your problem, pally. you've got a carlos problem. that's the guy you've got to kill. that's what it's all about now. you. and your family. or him. we used a double agent to get word to the russians that carlos is really here to close his deal with us and not to plan a new attack in europe. he has a new girlfriend. he's been fucking her brains out since he got here. he has her brought over every night in a limo. you'll be dropped near the mansion. as soon as she goes in, you make as if you're sneaking out. the russians will be watching. you'll go to the meet. it's at that beer hall, there. see? you see it? you go to the meet at the beer hall. play it out. let 'em take your picture. then you've got to get back. they're going to have to analyze the pictures and see through your disguise before they can authorize a hit. they won't be able to do that before you're able to get back to the mansion. at twenty-one fifteen a volga with diplomatic plates, dc- four-five-nine-two will come by the northeast corner of the compound. it will slow down. you jump in. if you can't make it for any reason, there will be another run at exactly twenty-one forty-five. it's your only ticket out so don't be late. me. my ass is on the line too. if the russians don't go for the bait for any reason you will have gotten out of there at twenty-one fifteen per orders. come on. come on. shit. let's get the fuck out of here. have you come looking for me now, annibal? awfully warm for this time of year isn't it? how you feeling? no it wasn't. he's finished. the kgb bought it. as far as they're concerned, he's the enemy now. he'll bounce around from one country to the next. but his paymasters have disowned him. none of their client states will risk using him. no one'll trust him again. he'll spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder waiting to be betrayed. and it'll happen. sooner or later. when it's to some country's advantage. they'll give him up or they'll trade him. he's finished. it worked and he's finished. now you're free.