i thought you weren't coming back till tomorrow. what happened to your eye? we'd love to have you over to dinner admiral but the cuisine would be cuban not mexican. i think your stomach would find it more agreeable. not to mention your taste buds. the pleasure is mine. encantada senor. senor shaw. mucho gusto. what are you doing? read 'em on the navy's time. this is my time. not fast enough. you've been with another woman. haven't you. haven't you? you're different. okay. i don't need any letters. and i don't need you to talk to me like that either. where are you going? what? the fellow at the service station said it needed a tune up. i took it in this morning. you didn't say you were going to need it. what? why? what difference does it make. did you check the mail? i don't want you goin' back to those subs. i'll tell you that. you can request another assignment. it's changed you annibal. it's hurting us. your attitude. that's what hurting us. you're suspicious of everything that goes on. you snap at joey, you snap at me. i don't like it. annibal. please! annibal please. let's go sit down. annibal. please. please. no! i won't let you do it! you're not going back to those subs! it's changed you. you need help, annibal. you could get some kind of stress disability or. no, not enough. whatever is going on out there with your job. is it over? no. i won't leave you. you're not in prison and i'm not your mother and i won't leave you. i will not let him do this to us. not him. not the cia. not anyone. get me a gun and teach me to shoot and he'll have to deal with both of us. this animal will not destroy my family. please. come home.