to reveal a man standing in silhouette, the man who has just crushed out the cigarette. we cannot see his face because he has a camera to his eye. it is carlos who has taken the picture. his smile at the sight of the children is no longer a subtle one. there is some secret enjoyment here. carlos runs headlong into a copper serving platter that is hanging on display. he is disoriented, terrified, and then seemingly from out of nowhere, he is tackled, grabbed by the arabs and dragged to a dark alley between two stores. carlos is overcome and brought down to the ground. one of the arabs evidently has a deep dislike for carlos and though carlos is subdued, he kicks the shit out of him. on annibal ramirez, resplendent in his summer whites, his face still showing the faintest remnants of bruises at the hands of the israelis. he holds his sea bag in his hand. there is a waiting taxi behind him as he strides over towards the baseball diamond. revealing it is jack who is at the door. on jack and ramirez. they watch this scene through the little window in the door and then they enter the room. the tires scream and leave black tracks, as the jeep slides sideways towards the barrier. just before reaching it, the car completes a 180-degree turn and roars back, but at the last second fishtails and swerves off the road. child ramirez and his mother walk down the corridor behind two cuban prison guards. the cells are full of cuban political prisoners. there are shouts and screams of agony from men being tortured somewhere far off. they reach ramirez's father's cell. child ramirez reaches out for his father's hand. a guard pushes his hand away. ramirez's father speaks in spanish. the crow turns back into a dove and then suddenly the dove begins to choke, to vomit. it opens its beak and out of its mouth emerges the wet, slimy head of a full grown ravenous crow. it is coming straight out of the dove's mouth and straight at us, to devour us. we hear ramirez scream over on the jeep as it negotiates the turn. ramirez and carla in bed, both naked, ramirez is on top. ramirez's luggage is being thoroughly searched by the official. finally the official looks up at him. ramirez ducks and rolls out of the way and amos fires two shots into koj's chest but not before koj can get off a round right into amos' chest. in an instant ramirez is on the still- alive koj grabbing his head in his hands and slamming it down onto the edge of the sink with a thud that cracks his skull. he quickly crosses to amos who is dying.