your hat's off?! i'll tear your head off! you get on the horn and you call the u.s. embassy and you call the sixth fleet liaison office and then motherfucker you go out and find yourself a good lawyer and i'll tell you somethin' jack, i'm gonna sue your ass so bad that your great great grandchildren will still be shovelin' shit to pay off the debt! i ditched 'em in an alley just before you guys got me. go back there you'll find 'em. per instructions. an american officer on shore leave in the middle east must travel in mufti, civilian clothes. a bunch of arabs start chasing me. could be terrorism. could be kidnapping. instructions are to ditch our tags, our id or anything else that could identify us. that's why i spoke spanish, that's why i said i was a cuban, not an american. and you broke my ribs here asshole. i'm gonna sue you, i'm gonna sue your government. i'm gonna sue every fuckin' jew i can get my hands on you, understand me?! i'm gonna sue menachem begin, i'm gonna sue moshe dayan, i'm gonna sue the goddamned b'nai b'rith or whatever you call it. i wanted to be here for his game. look how beautiful she is! just like her mother. nothing. just fell. it doesn't matter. i'm home. joey watch yolanda. okay? i beg your pardon? i want to sue them, okay? i want to sue the guy who broke my ribs. i want to sue their government and their mossad. and i want to sue golda meir! then you might want to have them dig her up because i intend to sue her. that's not me. i mean i know it looks like me. but. it's. this carlos guy. get out of that tree, joey. your mother sees that and i'm dead. okay i get it now, you're here to talk me out of my lawsuit. but see i identified myself but they kept me in that cell for two more days chained to that wall after i told 'em who i was so. to serve my country. why are you telling me all this? what do you mean. to get him? no i don't need any time. the answer's no. lieutenant commander. i am a naval officer. that's what i was trained for. that's what i'm good at. see you came to the wrong address. you want james bond. he lives in london and he's got an aston martin. you can't miss him. it's annibal sir. my wife speaks english mister shaw. so do i. i'll have a club soda and. uhh. a glass of white wine please. my wife is waiting for her wine. if you'll excuse me. how about fuck you. hey. i told you i didn't want anything to do with you. the answer is no. that's the end of it. oh jesus. what do you want? well then get set for disappointment. you can't order me to do shit. hello. who? oh. yes sir. yes sir. yes sir. yes sir. i will. yes sir. what's this? why? he's six. what kind of a sadistic son of a bitch are you? you use those poor people. you use anything to get what you want. i was just reading some. manuals. you'll see. it'll go by fast. you take care of mommy, okay? well they're finally giving me my chance to go into subs. that's what i've always wanted you know. nuclear. not if i can help it. because sometimes countries need soldiers and sailors to be on guard so there won't be a war. so all the little children like you and baby yolanda will be safe. because i'm the one they asked and i'm the one who knows how to do the job. so your name really isn't jack shaw? yes. no. not really. yes. you didn't set this up in a prison because it was the first piece of real estate you were shown, did you, sir? yes sir. gotcha. oh yeah. i didn't recognize you without my foot chained to the floor. there are a lot of hard feelings. and i'm still gonna sue you when this is over. if you could get a picture of him why didn't you just kill him? but nothing personal, right? when do we start? i. i don't know, i wasn't looking. i wasn't paying attention. 'morning. it's not bad. there's got to be like. eight helpings in there maybe. illich ramirez. caracas, venezuela. doctor jose altagracia ramirez. do you have to smoke that cigar? it's kind of cold. you think i might be able to borrow a warmer jacket from someone? top shelf. some milk, some juice, maybe some cottage cheese, a couple bottles of beer, some tomatoes. i don't know. what's that? for what? yeah. yeah. i finished all my porridge. enough of this porridge shit man, hi jo deputa! fuck it man. i ain't eatin' no more of this shit! and i ain't wearin' this fuckin' shirt anymore either! i'll tell you what the matter is man. i been here twelve mother fuckin' weeks an' all i've had to eat the whole time is this shit! and those dumb ass basketball games. what's that?! you damn near kill me with those fucking snowmobiles. i haven't seen my family in three months and i still don't know what any plan is or what i'm supposed to be doing! the two most elite intelligence services in the world and the best you can come up with is this porridge bullshit?! she's got to be lying, otherwise this would be a very short test and i don't think that's what you had in mind. she had a man over. she hasn't been here in a week? then why was the sponge still damp. it means she washed dishes. take a look at the dish rack. there's water in the tray underneath it. probably from a couple of plates. there's a bit of water in the silverware tray. the milk is still fresh. not even a hint of being sour and the date on it is a week from today. means she just bought it yesterday or the day before. the margarine's fresh-bought but it's already been opened. same with the bread. she might have met him at a bar because there's a book of matches in the garbage. she was probably careful to throw the cigarette away but there's still a bit of ash and that cigarette smell at the bottom of the liner. i think they made love on the sofa because one of the cushions has been turned over and there's the indentation of a tennis shoe print in the rug over there. sorta like the ones you're wearing, jack. besides, i know it was a man because i smelled after-shave on the couch. cheap kind. jack. you've been fucking my wife. now who's dead? why would they think carlos would go over to the cia? when do we move? bullshit! i'm ready now. give me any test you want. christ, i already passed your tests. what more do you want? shoo ismak? isme. carlos. isme carlos. jack! jack!!!! amos!! you motherfuckers! jack!! amos you piece of shit! wen anta? coos echtak ya sharmuta! so she tried the first bowl of caviar and said, that's too hot, and she tried the second bowl and said, that's too cold and so she tried the third little itsy bitsy bowl of caviar that belonged to little miguel and that turned into maggots and that was just right. here's the problem, doctor. he needs a new brain. okay. what's next? you asshole! you crazy-assed mother fucker! i could have killed you! fuck you! no rules, jack? then you fucking deal with it. no rules, jack? okay. we're in a fucking foreign country on a secret mission. i can't be here, i'm on a submarine. the u.s. navy's my alibi. what's the count on my ammunition, jack? is this one live or a dud? what about the next one, jack? live or dud. who cares. no rules, right? think you can be lucky three times in a row? how about four? what's this? who's carla? why's one of carlos' girlfriends helping us? what do you mean used her. how? what's not gonna be a hardship? when did you? just like that? miguel. yes. great. you like it. you like it?! you like it?! beg for it. yeah. i want you to come now. oh yeah baby. yeah. you make me feel so good. what. what'd i do. why? yeah. oh baby. yeah. yeah. yeahhh. yeahhhhhh. what the fuck are you doin'? i'm sorry. i'm sorry. shh. i'm not him. i'm not carlos. i'm. what do you mean? what i did in there i didn't do to cheat on my wife and you know it. i just got it about you, jack. you can't get it up, can you? where do i meet with this agnieska? couldn't we wait till he takes a trip? i mean libya. shit. okay. i appreciate that amos. a lot. it's funny, i started out hating you. i mean i'm still gonna sue you, don't think you're off the hook for my broken ribs, but. yes. jesus. i got a wife i got to go back to when this is over. i got kids i got to go back to when this is over. i want to go back as annibal ramirez. not carlos. i do. yes. pipes. i sell pipes. for the oil. pipes for oil. petroleum. who's there? what do you want? i not order nothing. iced water? jesus. then i'm going to have something to eat. i'm famished. i had to be sure i could still trust you. so why did you leave. . .? i've got what i want to eat in my arms right now. yeah. now, let's eat. what are you doing? didn't like the food i'd left for you, huh? ughhh. i don't blame you. who was here smoking a filter-tip cigarette my darling? you don't smoke filters. that's what i'm talking about! the filter-tipped cigarette. who was here. you bummed a cigarette. that's all. i believe you. the nearest cafe is two blocks away. a cigarette wouldn't have lasted that long. so you bummed a cigarette but it wasn't in a cafe. it was very close to here. in this apartment building. who did you meet with? that window was a signal wasn't it?! wasn't it you puta bitch! tell me or you're dead! you sold me out! what the fuck are you talking about, you didn't know she was working with the dst? they're our allies, for christ's sake! why not?! that way they wouldn't have tried to kill me and i wouldn't have wound up killing them. too dangerous. what the fuck do you think that was back there? safe? how the fuck more dangerous does it have to get? you fuckin' maniac! i killed four dst agents tonight! they're our allies and they were tryin' to kill me and i killed them. i killed our allies! is this seat taken? i want to go home. i want to see my family. no rules, remember? i want to go home. you said yourself we can't move again till he leaves libya. you don't even know when that's gonna be. he might stay there another year for christ's sake. you idiot! don't you know better than to approach me in public! go over there by the phone booths and wait. i'll come to you. i've got to get you to a doctor. i'm not going to let you die here. i've still got a lawsuit against you, remember? oh god. no. amos? why?! why didn't you let me go back to him. if we'd have gotten him help sooner instead of. instead of "we had a rather nasty spill!" is that what it was jack? is that all amos was. a rather nasty spill, mop it up, it'll be okay?! huh?! what? bullshit! i want him. i want that son of a bitch carlos! and i want him dead! he wasn't looking for me. he thought i was carlos! no way man. it was my fault. the whole thing. i want him dead! when he asked me about the paper. if i coulda just bullshitted my way. i'm not leavin' till we get him. just like that? what's wrong? what are you talking about? no. what. what would make you say a thing like that? maura. i was on a submarine. there aren't any women on submarines. there was nothin' to do but read. they had one of those. how to improve your sex life books. i must have read it about ten times. i tried out a couple of things from chapter three okay? i mean if it didn't turn you on blame doctor ruth okay? great. you want to check with the navy to see if we had shore leave. i'll get you a fuckin' letter okay? get somethin' to eat. i'm starving. maura. maura! where's the car? the car's not in the garage. where's the car? don't do that anymore. i don't want anybody workin' on the car. car needs something i'll do it. but i don't want anybody touchin' that car. it makes a difference to me okay? so don't do it. yeah i checked the mail. still nothin' from the navy. why, you so anxious to get rid of me? yeah well i don't have much to say about it. it's the navy you know. what's hurting us? my attitude. i don't have an attitude man. you got an attitude. look i just. it's hard gettin' used to. you know. it's hard. listen. tomorrow's joey's game. let's just go to joey's game. it'll be nice. it'll be like it always was. you'll see. okay. remember, what do we do? and who's the guy who wins? right! so you go out there and have fun. hey pal, lighten up, what do you say? it's just a game? i said lighten up. it's just a game and he's just a kid. great. so why don't we let our kids have a good time. come on, i'll buy you a beer. a dead man. what are you doing here? i got to have time to think it over. hey, i don't know what to do anymore, okay? i almost killed some little kid's father today. i don't know about anything anymore. i don't know if i could come back from it again. don't tell me about carlos, jack. i know exactly who carlos is. i know a hell of a lot better than you do. but, maybe there's more important things to me, like keepin' from goin' crazy. like gettin' back to bein' me instead of me bein' some kind of fuckin' maniac. hey, the guy deserves to be dead. i know that. you did create me, didn't you. from the beginning. that kid in the hospital in bethesda. when i was supposed to be the doctor. it was all bullshit, wasn't it? all an act. enough! with my job!? what do you think my job is, maura. huh? what do you think is out there? a nice, pretty safe little world with shopping malls and little league and ballet lessons. you sit here in your little kitchen and cook your little meals. people are killing people out there! jackals are licking up their blood waiting for the next corpse to drop. and i'm one of them. you get that? do you get that now?! i've murdered people. not safe and clean and surgical firing a missile from some ship, but close and with my hands so their blood splattered on me. so their brains splattered on me. and they weren't the enemy, maura. they were allies. they were on our side. it was just to keep a cover. i've betrayed everything i ever believed in. i've betrayed you. i've fucked other women. i've killed men. there was a woman i would have killed but i just ran out of time. i've let friends die. i've become a terrorist. and i've made you and the children a target. do you understand what i'm saying to you? do you see me now? do you see the monster? there's another one worse than me and he is out there and he will kill you and the children if i don't kill him first. . that's my job, maura. and if you don't mind, i'm late for work. got it. who do i meet? who's my contact? who cares? this isn't you and me. it's me and him. if the russians don't go for the bait for any reason. if the russians don't go for the bait for any reason, i'll go in there and kill him myself. and if i'm still alive i might just come looking for you. not till he's dead, jack. not till he's dead. don't blow it comrades. kill him. what the fuck? kill him. kill him. any word? did he get away? then it was all for nothing. the whole thing. not for me he isn't. there are still two of us. no. you have to make a new life for yourself and the children. maura, anytime i start a car i'll wonder if this is the one that explodes. i couldn't bear the thought of you and the children being in that danger. he'll want me and everyone i've ever loved to be dead. trust me. i know how he thinks because it's the way i think now too. i am so. sorry. i am so sorry. maura, when my father was put into prison he told my mother to take me and leave and start a new life. that's what you've got to do. he'll come after me.