i'm lost betsy, and you know me - i don't wear lost well - wait, wait i'm losing you. i'm pulling over before you disappear forever. sign? i was looking for a sign? there's no. yes. i took the first . no, no, i'm listening. wait, i got it - yeah. no don't call me. right, unless you hear from atlanta. and fax me the designs - i want to tinker with them a bit more . i'm going to rest - bye - i'll see you in a week. oh p-lease, whitney. i'm really just looking for a quick fix, here. do you have anything that just involves lying down? great. i'll have one a day. not too early. sounds like you're a genius at this. deeper is good - where i come from, all you get is shallow. came in late last night. missed the town completely. uh-huh. absolutely. no. . just right. no - it. it's not you. it's just things have kinda built up, i don't know why i'm crying. look, this is embarrassing. yeah, thanks. you always make the girls cry. could you - just for a minute? you ever feel like a martian's invaded your entire body? virgil? virgil - wait. virgil, hey. it's amy - amy tremont. yes thanks - you're the skater, right - i saw you last night, coming in. pretty mean slapshot. you play on some team or something? always liked it - never get around to seeing a game. but i loved to skate as a kid - unfortunately i have two left feet. i love the view you get here. well, i just wanted to apologize for back there - blubbering like that - i was just in a weird place. now, i'm fine - so i wanted to thank- you. for what you did. no, i made me cry - and you handled it great - didn't freak or anything. is my mascara smeared or something? you're just looking at me funny. see you. oh my god. you're, you're -- i'm so sorry. dammit! coming! virgil? that's ok. you want to come in - i just got out of the shower - give me a minute to get changed? see what we see? you mean right now, tonight? nice place - you seem to know everyone here. well, there's a good structure to the town - genuine lines, good use of space. to be honest i'd find a better balance to a lot of these buildings. but that's me. the architect in me - can't leave well enough alone. art school in college - i made the arms for the venus demilo. see, the venus de milo has no arms and. how do you. what about past the end of the street? what's out there? no - there's an old run down building off to the side. a wall of shrubs - a field with an interesting configuration of trees. ok, sure. let's see - long and elegant. like -- like a woman dancing with two lovers, trying to decide which one she loves. what? there's a bit of a breeze but-- i can't believe how fast it happens. virgil? what were you just doing there? looks like it's. yes - there - it's soft - like a shimmer like a cymbal. it's like our own percussive symphony, isn't it? "einfuehlung." einfuehlung - it's an architectural term. it means to share an empathy. been a long time since i felt that. no, i'm fine, really. it was just something passing through me - can't explain it - a good thing. what you just showed me … how i feel - makes me smile. you kidding? today, i'm looking for a complete nervous breakdown. can i ask how long you've been blind? you see shadows? i think you're doing it. no bright lights, nothing? no, i just - this feels nice - too nice. you're very good. at what you do. you enjoy it. and this client. what? thank-you. for last night as well - love to do it again. i'd like that. virgil - it's amy. i - i can't make dinner - i'm really sorry - an emergency came up - they're dragging me back to new york. the project we were working on was rejected - could go down the drain. i'll deal with it quick - i'd like to come back. i wasn't going to say that. look at these site photos - see those trees - we were going to get rid of them - let's incorporate them into the design use what's natural about the location. and by the way - the 53rd st. lobby - coming back from pinecrest, i came up with a new addition - add some life to that place. what? i can't have a couple of ideas. fine, you want to know - i met a guy. nothing to spill - he's a good guy - smart, funny, blind. i knew you'd be understanding. so much for the "we're all friends here" idea. thanks. you go ahead - i'm just finishing up something here. what? i just want to know a little more about what's wrong with him. shoot don't shoot. you ever listened to rain - i mean really listened? i've spent the last five years of my adult life with a man who has the emotional content of a soap dish. the only time i saw him cry was doing our tax return three years ago. i need more than that, betsy. for once in a long, long time i feel like i can breathe again. just the way he touches me i know i found someone i can connect with. no, no. i can tell he's sensing everything about me with a simple touch. he listens to my every word as if it's the only sound on the planet - i feel like even though he can't see me, he knows everything about me. he just moves me - does that sound crazy. wayne gretzky, look out. sorry -- sorry. didn't mean to scare you. i said i'd come back. watching you? just got here - couldn't find you at the spa - took a chance you'd be here. you're very good. it's beautiful. ok. let's see. like cool blue silk - you know blue? blue silk stretched tight across a bowl - surrounded by white jacketed sentries of trees on the horizon, protecting it from the outside world. what? sorry, i didn't bring my skates. excuse me? look out - we're running out of ice. fine. never been dumped so fast in my life. what do i say? god - let's see - i was in college - art school - a little aimless - and i met this guy -. an architect - opened up a new world to me. i liked the structure the control - finding problems, coming up with solutions - when i graduated - we started a company together - on impulse got married - which was crazy - divorced a year ago - but we're still partners. which must seem even crazier. this is tough. i bat my eyelashes, toss my head just right, and there's this very sexy thing i do with my eyes - then realize none of it matters to you. i. .1 don't know i'm. thank-you. so are you - more than i could describe. so -- that's what a blind date is. hello. virgil? i'm sorry - i didn't know. me too - and again - i'm sorry. she seemed . nice. your leg is still bleeding. let's see if i can get this right. chicken's at three - salad at seven - vegetables at ten. this is nice. they do this every weekend? love the music - gershwin - makes you want to. hmmm? yeah - don't do it much. chicken's good. no, really, i'm fine. different piece - maybe we should. you have to teach me that move. betsy - you were telling me about your father, his cataracts - you said he had a problem. how is he now? doctor - dr. aaron? - do you have his number? virgil, i just got some great news. no, no - i was talking to my assistant this morning - her father had these severe cataracts. she put me in touch with a dr. richard aaron - the guy's the leading eye surgeon on the eastern seaboard - he's been working with techniques - i don't know all the jargon - but i spoke to him earlier on the phone at the institute. i told him all about you - he just faxed me back - he'd love to get a look at your eyes - he thinks maybe, mavbe - there might be a chance of reversal. i thought you'd be excited. what's the problem? i'd like to talk to you if i could -- about virgil. sort of. there's something i don't understand. you see i spoke to a doctor who's apparently doing breakthrough work on cataracts - - but when i brought it up to virgil he acted as if. if i was blind almost all my life -- and there was even a remote possibility i could see - i'd jump at it. i thought just maybe he'd like to not be falling over things for the rest of his life. look, i see. what - virgil? they lost? no - i - i'm fine. i just wanted apologize for stomping around in life like bigfoot today. guessing, about thirty feet. i'm sorry. told you - can't leave well enough alone. i - i guess i should get back, start to pack. you know this dinner - this is really quite. that's ok - i'll do it. don't want to overdo it. virgil - i have to go home tomorrow. no - what? there. i'm here - trouble sleeping. everything alright? the leaving thing - i know - hate it too. that was whole? are you sure you want to do this? i know i just feel good about this. virgil, before you lost all sight, do you remember seeing anything at all? so -- what does that mean - they're gone - then what? but there is a chance he could regain his sight. what do you think? this is my place - there's a park across the street and. ethan! well, if the super catches you playing ball in the hall, he'll have a coronary. never mind. ethan, this is my friend virgil. virgil. this is where i hang my hat - it's a bit of a mess but. got it - here take my arm. couch, chair, tv to the left, low table at. .at 4 o'clock, has the phone on it. nothing. a sculpture. my art school days - not very good. it's not done yet - one day i'll finish it. i think so. damn! the wind - knocked over my plans. just my work - - some plans for the atlanta project we're bidding on - drawings of a lobby we're finishing up, some other smaller stuff. it's -- it's what i do. i've got to get to work. tonight we'll do something - we could listen to music or go out for dinner. a movie? alright. a movie. i won't be long. there's these big pots and woody's got a huge lobster in his hand. it's a. .kind of like. it's got. that's it - you're on your own. woody and diane. stop with the lobster. what? virgil?! people are watching. you. me. everyone is staring at us. well - it can be embarrassing. no - you don't. what do you mean?! you mean it. i mean i only want you to have the operation. coffee? it's really bad. virgil never mentions his parents - do they know? i'm sorry. i didn't know. it must have been very tough on you - taking care of virgil alone after your mother died. you don't like virgil doing this - do you? right here - dr. aaron said you did great there's camera guys here too. what is it virgil? virgil what's wrong? what's happening? virgil, it's just the camera. virgil. what can we do? here - how's this? what just happened in there? success - wait a minute - then why can't he see me, his sister, anything. but he'll overcome it - i mean - this is temporary right? so what are we supposed to do now - you saw him - it's like he's another person in there. isn't there some kind of therapy he should be doing - someone to help him. duncan - i know the additions to the mall will cost more. look, i can't do this on the phone - i'll be in tomorrow. yes, i remembered they're putting the fixtures in the lobby - i'll get there as well - i'm just asking for one more day. you alright? please believe me - i don't want him to get hurt anymore than you do. virgil - karen. it's ok - it's not a wall - it's just a staircase. you're going to have to trust me on these things. we'll get a hold of this ray webster guy - we'll get his help. i wanted to do something special for you. thank-you. you want to see the rest. focusing on her, virgil smiles, takes her face in his hands - leans in and kisses her. she pulls back a little. i can't believe this - how nervous i am. what if you don't like what you see? no - no. this is your first seeing day. i want you to see everything. ok? virgil? it'll be black when you open them again. at first. i liked the idea of molding - taking the way i saw things up here- - - and making it take shape with my hands. pieces never come out the way i wanted - the way i saw them. i end up working on them forever - like this one - never getting them right. yeah. you've got to alter each of the windows by five feet. i know - i'm changing them - this is better. betsy! can you get me some research on those maple trees we're leaving in. they're too big - i want to change them so they fit in with the design better. get rid of the dead weight. yes, yes. thank-you. evan here will print out the new specs - give them to duncan - tell him i'll be back in two hours. just give me two hours. what? what do you mean - there - he's in limbo. that's all you have to offer? well, thank-you obi wan kenobi - but that doesn't tell us anything. what we need is some assistance here - some kind of program - a set of exercises - we're kind of adrift and. i can't believe you're just. no, wait, virgil. i'm going to call aaron - get him to recommend someone else. i was a baby then - i had years to learn - you don't - you need to. --we don't even know what to do - where to start. what - it's a mailbox. blue. fine. let's walk. i'm going to make time for this. i promise. screw work - let's go try those eyes. nice. good. what do you think virgil? a camera - it's ok - taking your - picture. please!! - it's not good for him. what's this? uh uh uh. see it first. no cheating. concentrate. right. now put it down in front of you. how far is it from. you're not looking. i'm just trying to help you see. ok, we've been invited to a party - duncan's birthday. it's spaghetti - it's fine. i brought you a present - good for hand eye coordination. ok. he's progressing, slowly - doing the best he can. i can't go to atlanta tomorrow - not with virgil's problems,. he seems blinder now than he ever was. do you ever wonder why you do the things you do? sometimes i think he's not going to make it - that he's never going to be able to see. yeah. thanks duncan. hey, happy birthday. virgil?. virgil?! look - about this party tonight - it's no big deal - maybe we should just. yeah. right. virgil - here let me. it's for the surprise - they turned off the lights. virgil!! virgil--over here!! don't even think it. c'mon - i want the both of you to meet him - he'll never find us here. virgil - i'm sorry - i went to get duncan. duncan - virgil. and this is betsy. virgil! nothing. it's ok. duncan - i told you. what? what look? the lobby we designed. virgil - you can't. what are you doing? it's just dancing. who cares? it's just going to take time. you weren't ready. we shouldn't have come. virgil … look …. oh my god, are you alright? didn't want to wake you. i'll only be a couple of days. what - we're not working - your eyes - what's not working? what? you don't see me? well, you're not blind any more. i'm sorry if that disappoints you. i've got a plane to catch. i'm going to go before we say things we don't mean. you'd think he would have told us. i mean those trees were in the photos. aw - no - i really. mack the knife was our song? not so bad. yeah. first time we danced - connecticut. we watched the leaves turn - so much to see - i'd love to go back. i learned some things can't be fixed. we got married for all the wrong reasons. i don't think i fell in love with you as much as i fell in love with architecture. now - that's bullshit. oh, god. what's wrong? this was' a mistake - a big mistake. go back to sleep - you've got an important meeting tomorrow. for the meeting. i'm going home. can't we for once be adults - face the fact that we've just made a colossal error? i don't know - but the one good thing to come of this mess tonight - i know i want to find out. hi whatcha doing? you can't see it from here - too many buildings. virgil … to see. no … you're here. duncan did some song and dance - falk's coming to the lobby opening tomorrow - see our work. what's that? tonight is your night something special i want to show you that's the brooklyn bridge, empire state building, chrysler building just over there. what? well. let's see. this. . is sad. this. is frustrated. this. is tired. this. is confused. this. is happy. and this. . is what in love looks like. virgil - it's raining. so - eight o'clock tonight. no - not a bit. what do you think? really. not too flashy? i'm going to change. but you know what's most important. that you're going to be there to see it. so. look around - do you see it? your rain. i'll be right back. there's food and drinks down on the floor. dr. webster - this is a surprise. thank-you. i need virgil for a moment - schmoozing time. virgil - i'd like you to meet jack falk and his wife donna up from atlanta. we could do better, mr. falk - a lot better. that's right - that's why i've got virgil. see what we see? sure. thank-you. you know i've been thinking - you're doing so great now - and if we get this new design job we'd have some extra money - i think we should go on a big seeing celebration. yeah, maybe in a couple of months. i looked into egypt - we could see the pyramids - we could see it together for the first time. what do you say? of course, anything. the rangers. sure, why not? this is amazing - isn't it? should we find our seats. looks like the game's already started. i love the stadium the way it's structure. right - the game. he scored, he scored - you see that - it was amazing. what? that was good right? virgil, where are you going? the puffy thing. virgil, what's happening? tell me. what's going on? oh god. ok?!! no, no - i'm not going to cry. solve the problem. we made it through one operation - we'll make it through another. we won't give up. we'll get this right - we just need to. then we'll find another doctor. there's got to be someone else. we'll find something that works. so just like that - we just forget it - give up? why the hell haven't you told me what was going on? what this? virgil, give it time, you'll see. what are you doing? what do you mean leaving - you're leaving this apartment - you're leaving new york - you're leaving me? so you're big sister can take care of you - feed you tv dinners for of your life. is that what this has all been to you - bullshit? god damn right you're blind. you want to live in your own little world - this perfect world that your sister built for you - where no one can touch you . where no one can reach you. i am not turning my back on you. you want me to give up on you - you love the self pity. because there must be other options. virgil!! is anything broken? i never meant to hurt you. go away. it broke - i'm trying to fix it. i'm not in the mood for games. i'm not going. the problem?! everything. nothing is right thank-you very much. are you finished? virg . hi, ethan. sorry - i thought. no - he's not. cleaning up a mess - going to start over. ray told me you were living in town - said i could find you here. i rushed, didn't i? fourteen steps to the tree and i made us smash right into it. i finished the sculpture. i'd love you to see it. figure of speech. virgil - when i first met you - you saw more than any sighted person i've ever known. i didn't mean to take that away from you. you want to walk? yeah. just see what we see.