absolutely mr. falk - something lj missing - we realize that now. we just need some time to figure out what. and budget. yes sir. don't worry, we won't let you down. don't say it, i know. you were never happy with the design. but you'd have tinkered with it till the job went away. so now we've got him hooked, you've got your second chance. ok -- what's going on here? we sent hydra the three headed monster off a few days ago and got back mary poppins in return. sit down.betsy. we're all friends here. so - spill the beans. whoa, whoa - wait a minute - blind!? like tap-tap, white cane blind? come on amy - i mean, i know you like challenges, hell you married me - but. no, no i am. you're right, this is none of my business anymore - but a blind guy? if you're lonely - in my. opinion -- get a puppy. you still work here. amy? i'm here for you to wish me happy birthday. how's it going? i was actually wondering about the mall designs. we're expected in atlanta tomorrow - with these plans. ok, ok i'm sorry. things aren't going so well? didn't get what you expected did you? amy - listen to me. you liked this guy - i saw that. you wanted to help him - it didn't work out so hot. you can't punish yourself. sometimes things just don't work out the way we want them to - look at us. anytime. now back to work. maybe he's blind again. hey virgil good to meet you. few more of these and i'll be the same. amy, in atlanta tomorrow. i spoke to falk and he. what the hell it's my birthday -- nice to meet you virgil - see you at the opening. we'll just have to win him over tomorrow. let me buy you a drink - get those creative juices going. c'mon - listen, they're playing our song. see - not so bad. it's nice to dance together again. you remember? so would i. what happened to us amy? you're so intent on fixing everything - why'd you give up on us? i never fell in love with architecture - but i know i fell in love with you. it used to work. amy? - what's going on - what time is it? what's wrong? i've got? - hold on here - you're not bailing out on me - i need you. of course for the meeting. to be a babysitter. fine - this was stupid, there - happy? - but goddamit amy - i still care about you. where do you actuallv think any of this is going to lead with this guy? hey virgil. still working on that hand shake you'll get it don't worry. thanks - here's the genius though - i just get the gigs. can i steal her away falks' over there and i can't tell if he's impressed with our work or just has gas from the pate. amy - you in there. i knew keeping this key would come in handy one day. what a mess - what happened? so - guess what? we got it. the goddamned atlanta mall - we got it!! now - pull yourself out of this slump - i want you to fly down this week to. what are you ta1king about? what's the problem here? you know what the problem is - you're the problem - you met a blind guy you thought was cool and spent the first two months trying to change him. not even close. let me tell you something - you can't change people to solve you. you tried to do it with me - you tried to do it with virgil. you ever think some of the things you try to fix - ain't broke.