sophie's just worried about you - she watches too many horror movies. the usual - need a lot of attention. so who's the girl? you haven't done that since-- i'm fine. your dinner's ready - chicken's at 3 o'clock - rice is at. one day i'm going to switch them on you. ha - ha. you need new jokes. i'd work on the jokes. you want to grade some spelling tests? i'll be next door you need me. i'm jennie, virgil's sister. and you are? i was just at the market virgil, picking up a few things before school - and i thought you might like some. he's being a show-off, amy - i always bring him these. the apples are on the bottom shelf. amy -- you in town long. no you're not - you're bleeding. first lesson with a blind man, amy - don't change anything - it's too dangerous i've got parent meetings tonight - there's dinner in the freezer - left corner. nice to have met you, amy. amy, right? something wrong? what don't you understand? when there's something you've adapted to, accepted - you'd just want to change it without even thinking about it? we're very comfortable here, amy. virgil has everything he needs. yes you do and virgil doesn't. he spent the first eight years of his life having his eyes prodded, pierced and poked by doctors, faith healers, spiritualists, shamans and medicine men. my father had them lined up out the door. it hurt and disappointed us all and it almost killed him. he doesn't need to go through that again. now - maybe you understand. our mother died when i was 20 - virgil wasn't even a teenager. and our father - he's been gone for quite awhile. you're right this is bad. he's my brother. i don't like virgil getting hurt. hope is like fire, it can keep you warm - - or it can burn you. how're you feeling? it's not fine - don't say it's fine. stop moving! he's thirsty - someone get him a drink!! what's going on? you didn't think of this? no guarantees. no - it's jennie. i'm sorry - i'll move slower - i just. this is me. everything's going to be alright - we just need to get you home. but i can't stay here - and you can't do this alone--who's going to take care. .? amy? she's going to look after you? she doesn't know anything about the blind. it's not your fault he left. you can't keep blaming yourself. amy? virgil's finishing getting ready. could you walk me to my car? i'm scared to death. i've spent my whole life looking for any holes he might fall in. i'd run up ahead and cover them. everywhere i look here, i see holes. amy - when virgil was very young, he couldn't see those close to him - so he never learned to reach out. don't expect him to reach out when he's in pain, or confused, or unhappy. if you really care about him you have to just be there for him. virgil - it's me. that's him. that's our father. i thought your eyes were better. he's our father. he heard about the operation and he's asked to see you. look here he comes. welcome home. mom and dad. everything's as you left it. nothing's changed. hello! i picked up some things at the store - t-shirts, i'm sure you're out, some socks. well - i think it's vivian's little stationery. well - there's nothing really - you know that. ~ i told you what you needed to know. what more do vou want? is this about our father - he called told me. virgil, please. this is your home. stop thinking about what's out there - things that will never matter to you. you're safe here where everyone. knows you. virgil, i - i can't.