hey, amy, i'm virgil - why don't you get ready - hop up on the table. that's right. mozart, einstein, virgil anderson, massage therapist. now i'm going to start working somewhat deep - you let me know if you want anything deeper. i like that - deep it is. first time in pinecrest? if you came in broad daylight, you could still miss the town completely. too much compute? work. bad chair - you should think about a change. too deep? i - i'm sorry - it was too deep. don't be embarrassed - you obviously needed it. we should stop for today. not since grade school. i'm going to go now - unless you'd like me to stay. of course, whatever you need. every day. hey caroline, you look incredible today. see ya. yes. of course - you were sleeping, didn't want to wake you. yeah, something. you a hockey fan? they look perfectly ok with me. same here - i never get used to it. well, this is my ride. hey tommy, my man. and now. for making you cry. no. why? as i said earlier - i just never get used to the view. see you tomorrow. what? hey, you already apologized once - no need to overdo it. bye now. get of f the couch, sophie. some seeing eye dog - more like sleeping eye dog. met a girl today - nice voice - followed me out of the building. no she wasn't a stalker. hey, you're here - so how are the kids today? from the spa. i made her cry. that's what i told her. coke? 6 o'clock, peas at 9 o'clock and news at 11. and one day i'll play forward for the new york rangers. or a new sister. you want to watch some hockey? you know this girl - for one moment - she actually thought i could i'm not kidding. and she had this great voice - relaxing - soft like a breeze through wonder what she thinks about "blind dates." my turn to apologize. i should have told you i was blind it wasn't fair. sure, i promise i won't look. anyways, i was in the neighborhood -- actually the whole town's my neighborhood -- and since you've never been to our illustrious village, i thought maybe we could go into town - see what we see. figure of speech great - i'm blind and you're deaf - what a pair. the mechanic at the top of the street is doug - smokes too much - but a good guy. three steps down is carlson's hardware - he's got a laugh like a donkey - we sometimes listen to games together - he's a devil's fan. and just up ahead should be grady's junk shop - he calls it "antiques". smells like junk. i'd hate to see what it looks like hey nancy. nancy's our librarian, brings in any braille book i want. thank-you nancy - you should get your groceries home - your ice cream's melting. moved here when i was eight. my family figured it would be a good place for me to grow up. tell me what you see. what's you? i know the venus de milo has no arms, and the mona lisa has this captivating smile and david doesn't wear a fig leaf. i may not have been a lot of places - but i read about things, then make an image up here -- --that works for me. this is the end of the street. we should turn back. nothing. must be the old firehouse. it had a fire so they shut it down. honest to god. what else do you see? tell me how you see it. it's just - the image you just gave me - "dancing trees. - i like that. we should go - it's starting to rain. you like rain - i love the rain. listening - the rain - it brings out the contours of everything, gives life to a room i can't see. you hear it?. on the roof dripping down the walls on every side. on the right, on the drainpipe, it's drumming with a deeper, steadier sound - - like a timpani - echoing across the room - tells me the room is large - open. you feel it - in your chest? on the left, the rain says. . a fire escape, with it's own rhythm - ping - ping. then listen - there. --what's that - over there? no, listen for it - not what it looks like - what it becomes. come here. now just listen to it - shut out everything but that sound - do you hear it? the wind blowing the rain against a window. the world is invisible to me - with my touch it comes alive. but only one thing at a time. but when it's raining, i feel everything at once. sometimes, i wish it could rain inside rain all around us. what? you're cold, we should go. i see it now. thank-you. i thought after yesterday, you'd never get up on my table again. i love a challenge. of course, most people avoid the subject. you tell them you're blind and they act surprised. "you're blind? reallv? i didn't know - you hide it so well." and then they wave their hand in front of your face just to make sure. it started when i was a little over a year old. no. congenital cataracts. and a case of retinitis pigmentosa thrown in for good measure. this area needs to loosen up. i'm blind as a bat. actually, blinder 'cause they emit sonar all the time. i don't have a sixth sense, i just don't have the fifth one. i can't hear things in vermont, can't smell if you're mad at me, and, no - i don't know helen keller, ray charles or stevie wonder. you say something? thank-you. at times. some clients make it more enjoyable than others. is very, very. sorry - it's time. i've got mr. ketchum coming in next - all two hundred pounds. sorry - i felt like we were just getting started. how about i cook dinner then, tonight. oh. yeah. anything serious? yeah. good. well. i'll be here. -damn it!!! shit - that was stupid. amy?! how long . how long have you been? skated since i was a kid. my dad taught me - wanted me to play pro one day. how do you like my pond? describe it for me. i think so - keep going. horizon's a tough one. never understood horizon - if touch it - don't know what it that's ok i liked the rest of picture. you want to skate? don't need them. come on step hold of my stick. hockey stick. here. ok. now hold on for balance. i used to do this with jennie when we were kids. you ok? me, dump you? no way. stay where you are - i'll come to you - just keep talking. anything - how'd you become an architect? you'd think i meant to do that. a patented move. what? it doesn't matter. tell me what you look like. wait. let me. eyes, mouth, chin, cheek. you are very beautiful. jen, this is amy tremont. apples and bananas. amy sees the fruit on the counter - impressed. at two o'clock. oranges at 10. i know, thanks. i'm fine. it was my fault. i'm ok. goddamit, jennie - i said i was ok - leave me alone! she seemed jealous. it'll stop - happens all the time. welcome to my world. we hold on amy - taking this in: very good - thank-you. every friday - for the guests leaving. supposed to make them want to come back. you like dancing? nothing like a good pat of fat. what do you say we dance? come on lead on. you kidding - take my hand. the atlanta project? oh. really. you called this guy? i don't get it - am i missing the sign that says it's help the handicapped week. no problem. that's the whole point here amy - there is no goddamned problem. no, no - why - why?! i can't believe you're doing this to me. sophie - stop it. amy? c'mon in - it's just the rangers. i could check better than these guys today. i prefer to think of it as not winning. i thought you would have been long gone after that outburst from my evil twin brother. we've had him committed you know. rikers island - hard time. can i get you something - - coke - beer? amy, you see the big tree outside? how far is it from my front porch? to you. but to me, it's fourteen steps exactly. fourteen steps and i arrive right where i want to be. but -- if i run or rush, i'll lose count and slam into it. rushing into trees again? ordinary? it's an acquired taste - trust me. jennie thinks it's the only way i'll know where my food is. but i have a secret weapon. hot sauce! let's you know you're eating something - like some. wait, wait - you smell that? the winter pines - it's so strong at night - drifts on the wind - wait - hear the breeze then. amy? c'mere. yeah, yeah. morning - look, something i want to say. the other night - when we were dancing - being with you - i felt different - special - i don't know - whole. just for a second i felt like i could see you - all of you. what you said about this doctor, this eye guy - i know how important it is to you. we're just going to talk to the guy - what could it hurt? off amy's smile: waitwaitwait - he hasn't said he can even do anything yet. yeah, i do. i was just a baby when it happened - but there is one thing. something . puffy. that's all i remember about it. everyone says it's "clouds," but i know i had it in my hands - so it couldn't be clouds. this puffy thing - that was something special - it's stayed with me all these years - i don't know why. and this is the good news? sounds expensive. so. say you remove the cataracts - do you have any idea what kind of vision i'd have? so you're suggesting an operation that may or may not be successful. what if it doesn't work? what if i have the operation - with all it's risks - and you remove the cataract - and it doesn't work. that's what i need - to think. hey, ethan yeah. hey, the kid thinks i'm cool - what's so bad. now, blind 101. help me out with a mental map. walk me down a straight line and show me your place, all the obstacles. remember once you've told me, they can't be moved - otherwise. what's this? it's yours? it's a mother? - holding her child - up in the air - like she's proud? it's beautiful. does this window open? i could use some air. what happened? what is this - these plans? how about a movie? yeah. i haven't been in years. lobster - what's a lobster? and they lived happily ever after. and the lobster? hey - you here that? hey - can you turn that up? "the way you comb your hair, the way you sip your tea" "can't take that away from meee" - what? watching? watching what? and? oh - i see. amy. i want the chance to see. the chance to see central park, the brooklyn bridge, apples, raisins, a buffalo, a carbuerator and the man in the moon. but i would give all that up - just to see this face. hello? jennie? ok - a little pain, like a tequila hang over - is amy here? so how's my hair - i'd hate the first time i see myself to be a bad hair day. what's that? camera guys? good. great. fine. nervous. let's go. okay - wait. so - so - what do i do? i mean, what will i see first? it's - it's - i don't know. something's wrong. i don't know - it's all screwed up - this can't be seeing - something's wrong - too confusing - what the hell's happening??! what is it - stop! i gotta focus - gotta think - gimme a second - ok, ok - get me a coke. somebody? no - just a can - a bottle -- put something in my hands! a can. is it a can? hello? is there? amy? this is you. no, no - i can't go home. i need to be here - see the therapist - doctor's. i want to be here. i'm not blind anymore - and i'm not going to let someone i care about walk out of my life again. i'm staying here. this is just great - i don't believe this. what's that saying - stop the world i wanna get off. that you ethan? you should see how i look from this side. wait, wait, what are we doing - we're walking into a wall!! god, i feel like. like such a child - i just thought seeing would be different. man. something exploded in your apartment. it's making me a little bit dizzy - but it is special. okay - so - this is what beautiful looks like. do you want me to turn off the lights? yes, very ok. i can't sleep - i'm afraid if i close my eyes. you enjoy sculpting? but you never finish them. this is what rain looks like? it looks lonely. not what i expected. but i like it. i call it pretty screwed up. wait a minute - up to me? i thought you were going to help me here. it's an apple. it's an apple. so this is a joke? is that what you're saying - your eyes lie to you? great - looking forward to this. that's all it is right now - one big trick. nothing makes any sense. i can't function like this. amy. let's go. let's go. thank-you dr. webster. he's right, amy. i've got to do this on my own. no one taught you how to see. what's this - this thing? what color is it? blue. ok, good - that's a mailbox - it's blue. there - we've started. i want to walk. i want to see what's out there. don't you have a job? go to work. if i need you - i have your number. it's a dog. now what's that? what's that? what, by flashing me in the face? a pen. i don't know - let me touch it. a fork. twenty feet dammit, amy, amy, i spent all day in front of that panel feeling like a guinea pig. every time i open my eyes i have to look. can we just sit and have dinner for once? i know. but that's all it seems we're about. how was your day - what goes on at work - how about those rangers - did the stock market hold today - is there anything else going on in our world besides my eyes? what's this - looks like worms. great - you go to work building buildings - i go home with building blocks. measuring cup? cheese grater. you're no help. how am i supposed to do my homework if. you want it. i've been thinking about throwing it out. but first you'll have to fight off the evil --- whatever this is. could be the super - go for cover. yes? jennie?! jennie. god, i'm sorry - c'mon in - this is my friend ethan - what are you doing here? you want to tell me what we're doing here? i can't - i can't see him. no. i - i don't want to see him. my eyes aren't good enough - not yet - he won't understand. it won't be enough. goddamit jennie - i don't want to see him - i don't even know why you brought me here. i'm here. i forget about the lights sometimes. it's your partner's birthday. we should go - besides you wanted me to meet your friends, right? which is the red? no! sorry - i mean - i'm almost there - i think i got it. dammit. sorry. thanks what - what's happening? surprise - yeah. is he ok? cheers, kevin. heyyy! yeah. good to meet you. sorry - things still get a little cockeyed sometimes. lemme get kevin - my man - he'll top you up. ke-vin!!! what? she did, did she. really. i'm surprised i don't know him. it's a club you know. kevin - duncan here the birthday man - could use himself a drink. kevin here tells me he's black - did you know that - i mean look at him - look at me - isn't that the damnedest thing. he's black. what's that look? i've never seen your face that way before. it's. .weird. what does it mean? opening? let's dance. i feel like rip van winkle. i've woken up from a thirty year sleep - and the world's passed me by. no-no-no-no. it's not the goddamn dancing. i wanted to come here tonight - show you i could "fit" in. like the big boys do. big seeing boys. yes. well, i don't. don't. no - i - me, shouldn't have come. you want me to see - but you know what - you know what - shit - i don't belong in the wonderful world of seeing. no, i won't. i'm tired of looking. fuck looking and the horse it came in on. yeah, i'm just fine. take me home. you're going. this isn't working. i get up every morning - i look in the mirror - and i stare at a total stranger. i stare and i stare - and no matter how hard i look - i don't see virgil there anywhere. and the more i look at you. i saw you better when i was blind. no - no - i'll wait for you out here - when you're done. you want to know the truth -- god's honest truth? seeing's been the shits. i'm serious. i was better off blind. people don't have these expectations of you you can't live up to. you're blind - fine - they deal with it. when i was blind - i had an image of what everything was, up here. now - it's all different - not at all what i'd expected - not what i'd hoped for. what i want is to make it work with amy. she just wants me to see. you know what i learned a long time ago. seeing girls like seeing guys. i'm not going to let her down. hey. it's the craziest thing. you start back over there - focus on a building. and when you walk towards it - it changes - each step makes it look different. i started out just looking for the horizon. but it's still there - even though you can't see it - right? you gotta have faith it's there. things exist beyond what i can see - i just have to take it on faith. you have so many looks? wait - no - this isn't your fault - i'm the one's been a shit. you're too hard on yourself - expect too much of yourself. let me say this. every day of my life - i've wished for just one thing. to be whole. for just one month. for just one day or one minute. for one goddamned half a second. and not just to be able to run, or ride a bike, or drive a car. but for once not to have a bruise from bumping into something or to stand in a room and have to ask "is anyone here" and here that dead silence, knowing someone is there. not to have food on my sweater, or have to put my finger in my glass to know when it's full. i just want to be whole. i went to see my father the other day. i couldn't face him. i felt like i was letting him down. i feel like i'm letting you down. no, listen. i gave up years ago - i'm not going to give up now. amy - that day i met you - for the first time in my life i felt someone needed me as much as i needed them. i don't want you to give up on me. besides i couldn't leave you - i owe too much in back rent. since this may be one of our last sessions - are there any questions? breasts. no, really. don't get me wrong - i love them - they just weren't what i expected. whose did you think i was talking about? not having to do these sessions. no - actually - being independent. no, but. i don't know. i don't know. the atlanta project - i thought it went away. i see it amy. your world. what you do. the plans - the work the ideas. the molding. for the first time i really see what you do - and not just up here. but in here. what is it? amy, look at me. this face - this is everything. it's all i've ever wanted to see. you have so many looks. what do all those looks mean? this look - this look i love. eight o'clock - building opening - i haven't forgotten. yes - sorry. daphne - i need to see dr. aaron - right away. it's an emergency. what does that mean? what you just did? i don't know - first i thought i was tired - some blurs - occasional cloudiness but it's been getting worse. today i'm getting complete blackouts. you're afraid. what does that mean - i thought you corrected it. you told me i was a 'seeing person'. ok. you're the expert. tell me - what do we do now - how do we repair this? no - there is no nice way to say it is there. no nice way to let the man know it's all over - that. he's going blind again! no you don't! don't ever say that. you'll never understand. ever! how long? god, what do i tell amy? what do i tell her? i need some answers. why'd you leave? because i'm blind - or because i quit trying to see? cut the bullshit - "dad". i don't hear from you for over twenty years - then you find out i can see and all of a sudden you show up? no, not later. now! was my blindness so wrong that made you tear our family apart. i'm going blind again. the doctor told me today. you're the first person i've told. i wanted to come see you before it was completely gone. i know. i'm virgil anderson. with roswell tremont. we did the lobby. i'm here to check some details for tonight. thing? what thing? you nervous? you look great. this is an important night for you. amy, it's good - very good. i'm proud of you. i love the detail - planted pots in the corners, the moldings. it's got genuine lines. what? our rain. congratulations - the place looks great. go - do your thing. quite a party. love the detail of the building. ray. what are you doing here? it's almost gone. last few days have been pretty bad. it's going to break her heart. this is her big night - i didn't want to ruin it. thought i could pull it off. i know so ray? is it better to have seen and lost than never to have seen at all? thanks ray. i'll call you. pleased to meet you. that's ok - nice to see someone so honest. i'm a little biased but i kind of liked amy's original design. you wanna walk - i feel like some air. can i take your arm - eyes a little tired. you really made the place come alive with that fountain. a seeing celebration? you know - there is something i'd like to see. the rangers play tomorrow. season'll be over before we know it - could be our last chance. yeah - i - i'll follow you. amy - the game. yeah - it was great - i was just. just having a bad eye day. a lot to take in. nothing. i see almost nothing. it's ok. it's ok for you to cry. i saw dr. aaron. there's nothing they can do. don't you get it - i can't go through this again. because of this!! you! not letting it go - thinking there's a solution. goddamit, i'm not design flaw in your fucking work that you can just change to make work or throw away because it doesn't meet your expectations. let's face it - it's over!! no! i won't! this conversation is ended!! i'm leaving. i'm going home. i'm not going to go through this bullshit again. yes!! who the hell were we fooling? i'm blind - i'm not meant to see - i don't belong here. do you know the reason why i remembered the cotton candy all those years? because i went to the game with my father. and it's the only good thing i can remember about him. the rest is him pushing me to be something i'm not - then turning his back on me the minute his plans fail. i don't want you to give up on me. but you won't give up on me seeing. not anymore. dammit. no - no bones are broken. it's finished - can't you see that! we both didn't get what we wanted. when you asked me to come here - did you ever think this wasn't going to work - that for one minute i may not be able to see. did you ever think it would be ok to have a relationship with a blind man? there's my answer. sophie!? let me look at you. you're so beautiful. yes. jen - i'm pretty tired - i'd like to be alone. jennie, what's at the end of main street? beyond all the stores - past firehouse. what happens when this is no more main street? no! you told me that's all there was. that's wrong. there's a helluva lot out there. what was within my reach. isn't there anything more that vou want? no. this isn't about him. jennie - you've spent your whole life as blind as i was. the world doesn't stop within our reach. where everyone what!? can protect me?! jennie, this place was a wonderful safe haven for me growing up. i know that. and i can only imagine what you gave up to keep this world for me. i thank you and love you from the bottom of my soul. but now i want to give you your life back. you can i'm reaching out, jennie. growing up blind - i had two dreams. one was to see. the other - to play for the new york rangers. after the 'miracle' of my short period of sight - i realize - i'd rather play for the rangers. it's not that it was so awful - i saw many things - some good, some back some that i'm already forgetting. but i realized that our eyes aren't what make us see. we only live in darkness when we don't look - look at what is genuine about ourselves - genuine about others - you don't need eyes for that. did i miss? amy? we tried. figure of speech. amy. i saw . i actually saw the horizon. you did that for me. it's out there. you showed me you just have to reach for it. see what we see?