hello, austin just then, a flashing red light goes off and we hear a distinctive phone ring. that'll be basil exposition, chief of british intelligence. we've got to find dr. evil! austin, why in god's name did you strike that woman? my god! he's freezing himself. oh, hello vanessa. how was the flight? how's austin? you didn't. i'm proud of you. because you managed to resist austin power's charms. you can't judge him by modern standards. he's very much a product of his times. in my day he could have any woman he wanted. you have to understand, in britain in the sixties you could be a sex symbol and still have bad teeth. it didn't matter. just wait. once austin gets you in his charms, it's impossible to get out. of course not. i was married to your father. austin is very charming, very debonair. he's handsome, witty, has a knowledge of fine wines, sophisticated, a world-renowned photographer. women want hin, men want to be him. he's a lover of love&emdash; every bit an international man of mystery. i know. let me just say this: austin was the most loyal and caring friend i ever had. no, it's been too long. best to leave things alone. i love you, vanessa.