but my design was perfect! your autonomic functions were shut down, and even though your arm wasn't frozen, the aging was retarded, therefore your right arm is only slightly older than the left. but dr. evil, all you need to do is&emdash; --work with this tennis ball. squeeze it for twenty minutes a day. a few months of that and it'll be just as strong as the other arm. we could not anticipate feline complications due to the reanimation process&emdash; ahhhhhhhhh! someone help me! i'm still alive, only i'm very badly burned. hello up there! anyone! can someone call an ambulance? i'm in quite a lot of pain. if somebody can open the retrieval hatch down here, i could get out. see, i designed this device myself and. oh, hi! good, i'm glad you found me. listen, i'm very badly burned, so if you could just&emdash; sfx: muffled gunshot ow! you shot me! you shot me right in the arm! why did&emdash; sfx: muffled gunshot. dr. evil waits. nothing.