i haven't seen you my whole life and now you show up and want a relationship? i hate you!
hello, everybody.
well, it's kind of weird.
ok. well, i just really met my dad for the first time three days ago. he was partially frozen for thirty years. i never knew him growing up. he comes back and now he wants me to take over the family business.
i don't wanna take over the family business.
not me.
i don't know. i was thinking, maybe i'd be a vet or something, cause i like animals and stuff.
no. maybe, like, work in a petting zoo or something.
you always do that! anyways, this is really hard, because, you know, my dad is really evil.
no, he's really evil.
i just think, like, he hates me. i really think he wants to kill me.
well, me and a buddy went to the video arcade in town and, like, they don't speak english right, and so my buddy gets into a fight, and he goes 'hey, quit hassling me cause i don't speak french or whatever', and the other guy goes something in paris talk, and i go 'um, just back off' and he goes 'get out' and i go 'make me'.
thought i'd stay in. there's a good tittie movie on skinemax.
yeah. what?
why are you feeding him? why don't you just kill him?
but what if he escapes? why don't you just shoot him? what are you waiting for?
why don't you just shoot him now? here, i'll get a gun. we'll just shoot him. bang! dead. done.
aren't you going to watch them? they'll get away!
i have a gun in my room. give me five seconds, i'll come back and blow their brains out.
i don't want to.
blow me.
show me.
hey, dad, i can take my sega, right?
dad, we just made a breakthrough in group!
i hate you! i hate you! i wish i was never artificially created in a lab.