dr. evil, as the legitimate frontman of your organization, i seized upon the opportunity to invest in a small seattle-based coffee company several years ago. today, starbucks is a far- flung empire with 2000 outlets worldwide. if i may continue, i believe if we shift our resources away from world domination and focus on providing premium quality coffee drinks, we can increase our gross profits fivefold. dr. evil, i think you-- may i add, i appreciate you reinstating me after our little. misunderstanding. dr. evil, i'd like to introduce the greek assassin, oedipus. dr. evil, as you know, the rate at which you liquidate henchmen far exceeds our ability to replace them. well, dr. evil, perhaps i have the answer. while you were frozen, we began a program to clone you. we had a few glitches, but i think you'll be pleased with the results. he is identical to you in every way, except he is one-eighth your size. uh-hem. no, not that i'm aware of. mojo? dr. evil, wouldn't it be easier to use your knowledge of the future to play the stock market? we could literally make trillions. excuse me? hello there. dr. evil, i have some bad news. austin powers is back in the sixties. one of our best assassins spotted him but he got away. there is another. felicity shagwell, my god, dr. evil, you destroyed the wihite house with no warning! dr. evil, what are we going to do about powers? dr. evil, one last thing. i-- oh. dr. evil, that was fantastic, but i do have some bad news. powers' is on the island. don't worry, dr. evil, we can get to him by using the girl. i have the perfect weapon. frau? dr. evil, may i present the he-bots. what kind of woman could resist these perfect specimens of masculinity? their clothes are stylish, their posture is ramrod straight, and their buttocks are tight, like tigers. and, each he-bot is armed with a secret weapon. poison gas. machine gun. and deadly acid. dr. evil, the laser has been loaded into the rocket. you're ready for launch. five, four, three. two, one, liftoff!