yeah, i know, time's kicked my ass but good. come on, romeo, let's bury the hatchet. give me a hug. careful of the cocktail. so what the hell're you doin' around here? last i heard you were out in earthquake country blowin' the family fortune. good for you! sure, l.a.'s okay if you're a cactus or a lizard, but if you're a new englander, your soul dries up and blows away like a god damn leaf. so what're you doin' now? you owned some restaurants out there, didn't you? kids! i want you to meet an old chum of mine, the owner of this fine establishment -- wills keane! and that over there's the birthday girl -- my granddaughter, charlotte. you bet. she got her height from her dad. but her talent's all katie's. made it herself from scratch. that one, too. honey, show 'im. same here. from newport. old friend of your mom's. now, now, if you two kids can't play nice -- well, well. she'll be right down. she's upstairs, gildin' the lily. he's here! do come in. excuse the mess. my maid died fourteen years ago and it's been simply impossible to replace her. she did windows and spoke english. well, aren't they loverly. care for a cocktail? what can i say? time's a thief. one day you're rich as an arab, the next you're lucky if you can afford a god damn can of pistachio nuts. how about that, huh? that was the summer you two -- who'd have guessed what time had in store for her, huh? look at that smile. then again, time loves some people. like you, for instance. oh, time's just wild about you. just as handsome and charming as ever. and still up to the same old tricks. first time you came to pick up katie, you brought me flowers. just like those. flower the mother; then deflower the daughter. but katie was too smart for you. aw, why the hell don't you leave her alone? christ, she's sick! you look like your mom is all. well, if it ain't the belle of amherst. seen that face before. and for the same god damn reason. sure, but she was nuts about him. the only reason she didn't sleep with him is 'cause she was sentimental. and smart. she wanted a ring first. 'cause he knocked up little millie tyler instead. in newport. at bailey's beach. during the labor day clam bake. millie was your mom's best friend from nightingale. you had to hand it to him. he sure knew how to make a point. aw, who the hell knows? 'cause the moon was full. 'cause life's short. 'cause he's wills keane. i'll tell you a little secret -- after that, your mom hated his guts, but your dad never made her smile like he did. 'course your dad never made her cry like that either. oh, i dunno. christ, look at me. i'm gonna tell you what to do? aw, you wouldn't listen. that's the thing about people -- they just do what they want from the day they're born till the day they die. aw, come on, honey. i can throw a party and i can mix a gimlet. after that, what the fuck do i know? fare is what you pay on the train to jersey. fair is the place that smells like manure where, if you're real lucky, you win a blue ribbon for your home-made pickles. fair is a sky without a cloud and a face with a mark. fare is food. what fair isn't is everything else.