the only time he falls at your feet now is when he wants to borrow your prada loafers. -- and you know how bouncer's get. he's like, "that's the worst fake i.d. i've ever seen." and i'm like, "yeah? well, you have the worst dread- extensions!" and then just when -- no way! he's as old as my dad! and so, after all that, we pay our cover, we get in, and it's totally heinous! nothing but losers and -- what? twenty years old and never been. you're not really into him, are you? why don't you sew your mouth to my butt? that way you'll stop annoying me. god, i hate school. well, now i'm on the rag and i hate it. am i the most spoiled brat in the world or what? that you're the most beautiful person in the entire world. i don't believe it! i don't believe it! girlfriend, you are so incredibly cool! okay, now tell us everything! don't leave anything out! excuse me! excuse me! sorry! excuse me! look what i found! it was such a drag! you know, having to actually start paying to rent movies! cool! whoa, i don't believe it! she hasn't laughed in like a week! it just didn't seem real and now that it is, i hate it! it's so unfair!