watch carefully, everyone -- they ought to begin emerging any moment now. oh, darling, you know i would if i could. are you feeling all right? you look positively green. how will i know him? really? if he's rich you might have a fight on your hands. leaving so soon? be still my beating heart. or is that your heart? i think what miss harris is trying to say, is that you've strained her credulity. so i've been told. it really is uncanny. i tell you, in that dress you're the spitting image of michel simon. a french character actor, long dead, who was not only hideous and fat, but quite male. that's just it! the great spiritual benefit in leaving one's room is that it reminds one of how odious it is to leave one's room! there's one thing you don't know about mr. keane and his adultery and as painful as it is i feel that i should tell you! that woman on the roof? that was no ex-girlfriend! in fact, no woman at all. it was i, simon loring, master of disguise! willsy and i have moved in together! well, i think i speak for all of us when i say that we've heard quite enough from dolores. now, correct me if i'm wrong, but i believe what you're saying is that while the end may be in sight, it has not yet arrived. then why exactly have you called us here? i cut short a lunch date, shannon's missing her low-impact aerobics class, and dolores has delayed the start of her happy hour -- surely you must have had good reason. it is. you could have told me all about it on the telephone. charlotte loathes comfortable. i never sought to bore her with comfort while she was well, why should i start now that she's sick? it's a pose that i've cultivated. i chose it, as a sort of smoke screen, some time after attending my twentieth funeral in as many months. it's quite all right. but, honestly, it shocks me how often you people forget. our phone books have as many numbers crossed out as written in. so that while death is certainly as painful to us as it is to you, we do not find it nearly so. extraordinary. don't misunderstand me. i adore charlotte and when she dies, i would. were it not already in that state. cry my heart dry. i've had friends who weren't expected to last till morning who lived another seven years. another ran a marathon and died the next weekend. it's all so terribly random the way life actually works. i take nothing for granted.