-- and i could have waited to tell you, but i wanted to leave no room for misunderstanding. yes, i do. the minute i laid eyes on you. it's the saddest thing about getting older. you know people so quickly. i even knew you'd end up hating me. give it time. that she's just a kid. but i thought you loved it. sure, there is; there's just very little you're willing to digest. no, it won't. because it takes at least a few weeks to get fat and by then you won't even be speaking to me. because we have no future. all i can offer you is this. what we have right now. nothing more meaningful. until it ends. i could have waited to tell you, but i wanted to leave no room for misunderstanding. we certainly will. table seven, jesus, if it's available. how are you, melissa? good evening, celia. and how -- i'll be right with you. how's it going? the house specialty. we wisely agreed to cut our losses. in what way? i assure you it's an absolutely painless procedure. sure. especially for me. actually, i appreciate your concern, celia. the truth is i'm a little worried myself. seriously. i've been trying to do better. but. you know how it is. old habits die hard. nope. in fact, john's been looking for an assistant. tell him you've just been promoted. i'm sorry, do i -- my god, it is. actually, i doubled it. it only took me twenty years to come to my senses. not katie and jay's daughter? impressive. i think we can do better than that. happy birthday, charlotte. i'll let you get back to your celebration. a pleasure to see you again. for what? wills keane. who did you think it was? and how would you sum it up, charlotte? turning twenty. i don't think so. i called because i'm going to be attending a benefit. a black-and- white ball. and i'd like you to design a hat. for my date. it's a gift. i don't have her measurements, but she's about your size. what're you, a six? good -- then let's assume your hat size is also the same. it's a risk we'll just have to take. her dress is a sheath. sleeveless, black. the hat must, of course, be black or white or both. no, just plenty of it. how long will it take? you have till thursday. i'll need it here by seven o'clock. i'm at the pembroke on central park west and 76th. what's your fee? how's five hundred dollars? charlotte? you say "wow" a lot. it has to stop. you're a woman now. bye. what do you mean? thank you, no, i'm fine. that would be andover. okay, i admit it, she interests me. come on, you're overreacting. i know. it's just that there's something about her. she's special. and i just thought -- there wouldn't be much point in lying to you, would there? what happened? you realize, don't you, that you're a full eighteen minutes late? charlotte, relax. what's the point of being a beautiful young woman if it isn't to keep your admirers waiting? in fact, you disappoint me: i was looking forward to at least another half hour of suspense. nope, too late. anyway, i want to see the hat. try it on. it's all right. it's perfect. it's like a tiny sculpture. if only i had some use for it. my date canceled a few hours ago. i don't know. she was vague. would you. like to come in her place? the outfit i bought her is hanging in the guest room closet. of course. nonsense. you're very good. where did you learn? so you did see me there. it sounds as though, in a way, she took your mom's place. i'm sure she did the best she could. i remember when i heard the news about your parents. you know how after a crash they print a long list of names in the newspaper? well, i grew up outside boston, so i naturally started to scan the list. but casually, not expecting to -- how old do you think i am? i have no idea what to do! who was that? here's to -- that's usually how i feel. but not tonight. tonight i feel sixteen. just sixteen. and three-quarters. champagne? you see, charlotte, the way you know you're getting older is that you start to notice patterns. people start falling into types. pretty soon you know a person before you've even been introduced. and if it's a woman, before the romance even starts, a whisper in your head tells you exactly what it is and how long it's going to last. and the saddest, the most tedious, part of all is that that little voice is almost always right. now, what i like about you -- and i think that's actually what inspired this little lecture -- is that i find you completely unprecedented. and, therefore, wholly unpredictable. what? now wait a minute. well, he's a wise man. oh, really? listen -- that's right, because, look, i could put this off, but i genuinely like you. so i want to be clear. right now. from the start, so there's no chance for misunderstanding later. what i want to say you is. well. that all i can offer you is this. what we have right now. nothing more substantial. just this. until it ends. the truth is, we have no future together. what. what do you mean? thank you so much for taking the time. so then what treatment is she getting? how long? not much. i took her home and she pointed out an irony -- that fate was now offering us the very same thing that just this morning i'd told her was all i could offer her: a relationship with no future. she's not a kid! that's what i've been trying to tell you. nothing's lost on her. i'm the kid. she. i don't know what the hell she is. but i do know what she was. a virgin. i had no idea. that's the only reason she had her party here, so she could lure me into doing the honors. i know. embarrassing. i end it. what, you're endorsing this now? thanks. because she's dying. for you. no, thanks. i know. what do you mean? dolly, look -- what do you mean, you knew? two days is long? you're psychic? but we hadn't even been introduced yet. careful! we could go to a museum. nothing at all? so a movie is out. ice cream at the plaza? high tea at the palace? what about shopping? it's not a thing? but all i gave you was champagne. that's not a proper birthday present. when? why not? oh, i see. because you're sick. because -- how come? any particular reason? are you sure? i mean, there are specialists who -- i think that goes without saying. it's been a lifelong dream of mine. but will a scarf do it? good advice. i'll remember that for when i get old. that i'm old. i don't know why, but for some odd reason, i feel absolutely compelled to tell you the truth about this. even at the risk of -- i never had a date for the benefit. my plan from the beginning was for you to come with me. the eulogy you gave at ella's service was so. impressive. you spoke about her death. about loss. in a way that i could never have done. you understood life emotionally in a way that i didn't. whatever that understanding was, i wanted to get close to it. and the most enjoyable, yeah. thanks. all right. i got restless. not a soul. what? no. i'm not sure i like that motto. what? that's it! so many words in that wonderful head of yours. words? are you familiar with the phrase, "you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar?" sure, it's from poor richard's almanac. but the last time i checked -- we can't spend every waking moment together. no trouble? it's a classic. a little spirit gum and voila! -- young women are rendered helpless. of course -- it's biological. what do you mean? nothing. honestly. we're having a lot of fun. we're very happy. i'm not even tempted! sure, thanks. mmmm. incredible. absolutely incredible. give me a hint. was that the hint? the truth is out. i've lost you forever. wonder woman? batgirl? princess di? wendy? yup, i'd know that throttle anywhere! hey, looking for me? we were checking out the roof. john's got quite a set-up. wendy, this is charlotte fielding. charlotte -- my friend wendy lister. is the party over? i have a strange feeling that you're upset with me. ever? you're not serious. of course not. why would i want to do something like that? well, there you have it. sure, except that -- look, i never pretended to be anything other than -- this was all a mistake. right from the start. all of it. i'm a grown man and you're a child. anyway, you have better things to do with your last -- with your time than spend it with me. thank you. it was designed by a team from -- actually, no, it's velvet. how are you? yes, jesus. table seven, if it's available. hello, celia. i've been worse. order a drink. i'll be right with you. splendid, how are you? deliveries on time? keep up the good work! i'm sorry, would you excuse me? who is it? so? relax, i'm alive. look, it doesn't matter that she's sick -- she's still a kid and there's no way we should be together. it's unhealthy. it's. it's inappropriate. look, if she were just fun. just some sort of diversion. maybe i could justify it. but the worst part is that it's becoming more. much more. it's embarrassing how much i like her. she gets to me. she affects me. and she's gonna be gone and. i'm not sure i can. i mean. i already think about her all the time. her smile kills me. and the thought. that it'll be gone. forever. that i'll never see her again. i don't know. i can't -- i don't think i'm that strong, johnny. it's too much. i'd rather have it be over. over now. i'll start missing her now. good. i'm. i'm glad. patty, i. i want to be honest with you. right now, from the start. so there's no room for misunderstanding. i didn't have a good time, but it's nothing personal. i just split up with someone and rather than admit to myself how much i miss her, i asked you out instead. and it's unfair. if i feel sad i should just feel sad and not try to use you. and your body. as some sort of painkiller, right? anyway, i think you're a warm and engaging woman and i wish you all the best. good night, michael. who? no, no. not at all. you surprised me, that's all. i didn't expect to see you. not here. not after your letter. i followed you in. i wasn't even sure it was you. all i have is an old snapshot. i didn't mean to run off like that. i saved it. so do i. look, why don't we go upstairs. lisa -- congratulations. that's wonderful. is that what you consider me? how's your mom? why? thanks. you're not bad looking yourself. already? what is it? tell me. i am. i'm very sorry. can i call you? a friend. where were you? i was worried. i've missed you. you have no idea how much. dolly. we watched tv. she fell asleep. what time is it? where were you? to tell you that you were right. i do hate myself. but not so much that i can't see how stupid and despicable and -- and cowardly what i did was. and even though there's no excuse for it, i want you to forgive me. because, for better or worse, i'm falling in love with you, and the thought of our not being together is unbearable to me. so where were you? who's eric? what'd you guys do? hung out where? fine. talk about what? is there something to talk about? what happened? no, honestly, i think i have a right to know. you're being unreasonable. you know, in this day and age it's not so outrageous a request. i mean, i don't know this kid. i don't know where he's been. it requires balance and i have lousy balance, okay? look, i'm not in a sporting mood! i'm jealous, okay?! is that what you want to hear? are you satisfied now? all i want is a simple answer and you're torturing me! and i resent it! it's cruel and juvenile! and i -- i wish i were exaggerating, but i'm not. i slept with every one of them. really. look through dolly's old photo albums. or any movie magazine. visit aspen at christmas. i was on a mission. and until recently i really didn't think i had a problem. or if i did, it was definitely the most pleasurable one i could imagine. my house in malibu burned to the ground. i know, it sounds funny. but it must have triggered something because the next thing i knew i couldn't sleep. i'd lie awake at night absolutely terrified. like a kid left alone in the dark. how quickly time was passing and how adolescent i still felt. how meaningless all my choices seemed. how lonely i was. so i liquidated my portfolio, sold my businesses, and moved back here. to start over, settle down, start acting my age. you were supposed to be my one last dalliance with youth. i want to, carla, but -- well, molly, i just haven't met the right woman yet. i agree. she's also demanding. she's decided she wants her birthday present today. the dom didn't count. this is her real present. she chose it herself and it's not material. when does the enlightenment start? don't worry. you're gonna be okay. excuse me. do you have an extra one of those? not for years. thanks. which means the tumor's grown? are you all right? you're okay? how do you feel? i'll let you rest. i should. you'll sleep and then -- i do not. it ought to be illegal. your smile. it's too pretty. you have. shouldn't i be telling you one? the first would be emily dickinson. charlotte, listen, i -- i just think -- that's right. the tumor's begun to interfere with the function of her heart, but she -- i thought charlotte's health might be of some interest you. i also thought it might be a good idea if we discussed ways to make her as comfortable as possible for the -- tell me, are you really so cold? or is it just a pose that you've cultivated? i'm sorry. she's in the hospital now. she doesn't have long. weeks maybe and -- she. anyway, i have something to ask you. a favor. i have no right to ask. i know. i'd do it myself, but i can't. i'm too. i'm. i want you to find a surgeon. dr. sibley told me. charlotte's doctor told me. he said at some point, when it's hopeless, surgery could be an option. heroic surgery, he called it. i want to make sure that when the time comes a hero is performing that heroic surgery. do you understand? you'll have to make calls. i'll get names. sibley will give me names. i'm sorry to ask you. i have no right. but, you see, she doesn't want it. this surgery. i'll have to convince her. so no one can know. for now. and i trust you. you're my only family and i. you have every right to refuse me. after what i did. you were a child. and you needed me. and i was nowhere to be found. there's no excuse for that. i'm so terribly sorry! i am, too. so sorry. i should be the one. it should be me. what do you want to know? well, i remember a little more than that. let's see. she was blonde. about your height -- oh, okay. she. always ate her ice cream with a fork -- how's that? and she wrote great letters, but couldn't spell at all. she was a mcgovern democrat but also an incredible snob. she loved blueberries. she had the world's worst backhand. her favorite singer was stephen stills. never mind. she was afraid of sharks. and, considering the times, she was pretty square. she only tried drugs once -- a lifeguard gave her a hash brownie and she threw it up all over him. and she laughed just like that. and she bit her fingernails. and she couldn't tell a joke. in short, she was a unique. she told me. yes. that's how she got my attention; it's not why i fell in love with her. i fell in love with her because she charmed me senseless day and night for an entire summer. i have no idea. the summer was over. your mom was going back to smith. i was moving down here to work on wall street. it was our last day together. she was crying. she told me, for the first time, that she loved me. i said i loved her, too. i promised to call and visit. a few hours later i was in a cabana with millie. when millie told me she was pregnant and that she wanted to marry me, i escaped to l.a. and i never saw her or your mom again. i think it's part of the reason i never came back. i might as well have been. for as long as i can remember, i've always run off at the first sign of a woman wanting anything from me. relying on me in any way. i know. maybe. but it doesn't feel that way. it feels as though i'm not afraid anymore. driver! quick! pull over here! right here! i didn't know you couldn't! i love you, charlotte. i'll add it to the specials list. what's the matter? wills keane. good? they say there's no one better. can your best save her? no problem. i can't thank you enough. what do you mean? i was in montclair, new jersey. an opportunity. i was considering opening a restaurant. but the rents are too high. bah humbug. straight? i'm sure we do. about what? i met with a heart specialist. he's willing to operate. well, maybe i want it. of course not, but if you'll hear me out -- oh, christ, knock it off! you're such a god damn saint, so above it all, but you're scared to death! you do want to live! and if you were as honest as you say you are you'd let the doctors do whatever they can to help you! why not?! maybe we want hope! or maybe we just need to know that we did everything we could! maybe i need to know that. if i'm going to be able to live. to go on without. without -- so had i. you don't ever have to worry about that. yeah? a couple of hours. that's all right. relax. nothing. don't! don't move! just one more minute! you were just going to tire yourself out! just hold on! finishing touches! almost! voila! time cannot break the bird's wing from the bird. bird and wing together go down, one feather. no thing that ever flew, not the lark, not you, can die as others do. ruined me for other women. it happened so quickly. we'd just talked about the surgery. she agreed to it. but i thought there'd be time. you know, it's funny, the first time i saw her, i -- i guess not.