norm. i hear good things about you. how's your na'vi? yeah, yeah, i know who you are, and i don't need you. i need your brother. you know -- the phd who trained three years for this mission. how much lab training have you had? ever run a gas chromatograph? any actual lab work at all? you see? you see? they're pissing on us without even the courtesy of calling it rain. i'm going to selfridge. parker, i used to think it was benign neglect, but now i see you're intentionally screwing us. i need a research assistant, not some jarhead dropout. lucky? how is this in any way lucky? the last thing i need is another trigger happy asshole out there! that tends to happen when you use machine guns on them. how much link time have you logged? tell me you're joking. so you just figured you'd come out here to the most hostile environment known to man, with no training of any kind, and see how it went? what was going through your head? relax and let your mind go blank. that shouldn't be hard for you. go figure. alright, i'm going in. hey marine! well who'd you expect, numbnuts? think fast! motor control is looking good. lights out amigos. see ya' at dinner. damn. same old sack a' bones. start calibrating. we're on the flight line in ten minutes. what did atilla want? yeah. well, listen to me, marine -- -- you're driving an avatar, now. that means you're in my world, got it? that son of a bitch has screwed up this program enough. all this -- -- exists so we can go out there and build a bridge of trust to these people, who could teach us so much. but thanks to quaritch and his thugs the na'vi won't even talk to us anymore. we have a new face. you're fluent, you've studied the culture. you're non-threatening. the ones we know best -- the omaticaya clan -- may give you a chance. maybe you can get them back to the table before things go tits-up for good. we don't. they contact us. if they see us taking our samples, treating the forest with respect -- not trampling everything in sight -- they may reach out to us. just keep your mouth shut and let norm do the talking. looks like a bull, six cows and some juveniles. stay with the ship. one idiot with a gun's enough. relax, marine. you're making me nervous. i'm sure they're watching us right now. the kids were so bright, so eager to learn. they picked up english faster than i could teach it to them. bring the soil probe -- right there, yellow case. see, right here where the roots of the two trees interact. don't shoot. you'll piss it off. jake, that armor's too thick. trust me. it's a territorial threat display. do not run, or he'll charge. hold your ground! run. definitely run! shit. he's not going to make it till morning. come on back, kid, that's it. damn, you were dug in like a tick. is the avatar safe? -- so the kid's out there one night and he's got the queen bitch herself offering him the spare room and the car keys. unbelievable. for reasons i cannot fathom, the omaticaya have chosen you. god help us all. cut to: he's the clan leader -- -- but she's the spiritual leader. like a shaman. knock it off. jesus, it's like kindergarten around here. neytiri was my best student. she and her sister silwanin. just amazing girls. don't do anything unusually stupid. i'm not about to let quaritch and selfridge micro-manage this thing. we're going up into the mountains. that's right. see these magnetic formations. we're getting close. yup. we're in the flux vortex. jake, take number two, it's the least glitchy. norm, i need you to operate jake's link. it's not our choice, norm. he can't go far. let's get you in. cut to: no -- now, when it's fresh. i see you, neytiri mo'at'ite. this isn't just about eye-hand coordination out there. you need to listen to what she says. try to see the forest through their eyes. you're still losing weight. here -- other body. you need to take care of this body. jake, i'm serious -- you look like crap. you're burning too hard. i'm telling you, as your boss and someone who might even consider being a friend someday, to take some down time. yeah -- you're gonna go ride a banshee. or die trying. and this is your check up from the neck up, marine. you're getting in way too deep. trust me, i learned the hard way. neytiri's sister -- sylwanin -- stopped coming to school. she was angry about the clear-cutting. one day, she and a couple of other young hunters came running in, all painted up -- they'd set a bulldozer on fire -- i guess they thought i could protect them. the troopers pursued them to the schoolhouse. they killed sylwanin in the doorway. right in front of neytiri. then shot the others. yeah. a scientist stays objective -- we can not be ruled by emotion. but i poured ten years of my life into that school. they called me sa'atenuk. mother. that kind of pain reaches back through the link. it's a job. learn what you can -- but don't get attached. it's not our world, jake. and we can't stop what's coming. cut to: the great leonopteryx is the apex aerial predator. not only rare, but the sightings tend not to get reported. vitraya ramunong -- the well of souls. it's their most sacred place. something big is going on in there, biologically. i'd die to get samples, but outsiders are strictly forbidden. watch that stuff. it'll knock you into next week. jake is making incredible progress, years worth in just a few months. but -- we need more time. parker, it's their ancestral home. they've lived there since before human history began. you can spare them a few more weeks. jake, i can't allow this. you're just not strong enough. will you listen to me? sometimes the na'vi themselves die in these vision quests. the venom takes you to the edge of death. no matter what you prove out there-- you are still in here. right here. our life out there takes millions of dollars of machinery to sustain. you visit -- and you leave. and what about now, jake? i know. i know. i taught it to them. jake. you can't carry this burden much longer. prep my link. i'm going in. cut to: here -- eat this. i'd hate to have to force-feed a cripple. and when was the last time you took a shower? jesus, marine. oh shit. jake, don't -- what the hell are you doing? parker, listen, there may still be time to -- or what, ranger rick? you gonna shoot me? you need to muzzle your dog! this is bad, parker. those trees were sacred to the omaticaya in a way you can't imagine. i'm not talking about pagan voodoo here -- i'm talking about something real and measurable in the biology of the forest. i can't do this. how am i supposed to reduce years of work to a sound bite for the illiterate? alright, look -- i don't have the answers yet, i'm just now starting to even frame the questions. what we think we know -- is that there's some kind of electrochemical communication between the roots of the trees. like the synapses between neurons. each tree has ten to the fourth connections to the trees around it, and there are ten to the twelfth trees on pandora -- that's more connections than the human brain. you get it? it's a network -- a global network. and the na'vi can access it -- they can upload and download data -- memories -- at sites like the one you destroyed. you need to wake up, parker. the wealth of this world isn't in the ground -- it's all around us. the na'vi know that, and they're fighting to defend it. if you want to share this world with them, you need to understand them. parker, we have to talk, like rational people. they bulldozed a sacred site on purpose, to trigger a response. they're fabricating this war to get what they want. my god. parker, wait. stop! these are people you're about to -- for god's sake, there are children in there. babies! they never wanted us to succeed. i'm free. do what he goddamn says! aaahh, crap. not again. this is gonna ruin my whole day. forget it, it doesn't matter. i need to take some samples. i -- always held back. but you gave them your heart. i'm proud of you, jake. help them. you do whatever it takes. you hear me? i'm with her jake -- -- she's real -- 78: who's got my goddamn cigarette?! not bad. you sound a little formal. there is still much to learn. that sounds real good, colonel. so -- am i still with augustine? ya'll have fun out there. the stingbats knock them off. i guess i always hope somebody will come back and read them. the na'vi learned as much about us as they needed to know. are you going to help with this gear? we've got a lot to do. i don't have all goddamn night! come on! come on! tsu'tey, what are you doing?! he is my captive! these demons are forbidden here. i will kill this one as a lesson to the others! stop! there has been a sign. this is a matter for the tsahik. bring him. why do you bring this creature here? i was going to kill him, but there was a sign from eywa. i have said no dreamwalker will come here, to offend our home! his alien smell fills my nose father, many atokirina came to this alien. step back! i will look at this alien. a warrior! i could kill him easily! no! this is the first warrior dreamwalker we have seen. we need to learn more about him. why me? that's not fair! i only-- it is decided! he is your responsibility. these aliens try to look like people, but they can't. he seems dim to me. and his eyes are too small. neytiri will test this "warrior." hey may learn nothing -- but we will learn much. i say she will kill him. cut to: yeah. they want to study me. see if i can learn to be one of them. guess. i'm betting they will. no, she's dead. okay, let's go -- village life starts early. this alien will learn nothing. a rock sees more. i just hope this treehugger shit isn't on the final. i see you brother, and thank you. your spirit goes with eywa, your body stays behind to become part of the people. i got most of the kids out, before they shot me. now you choose your ikran. this you must feel -- inside. if he also chooses you, move quick, like i showed. you will have one chance. last shadow. we cannot let this seed grow. her path is with tsu'tey. goddammit, jake, you can never be one of them! you can never truly be with her. grace. i've gotta go. they're waiting. oh wise worm, eater of the sacred tree -- bless this worthy hunter with a true vision. did your spirit animal come? you are now a son of the omaticaya. you are part of the people. spirit is all that matters. oh. i forgot to tell? she's not going anywhere. tsu'tey will lead the war party! please -- this will only make it worse -- we are mated before eywa. it is done. neytiri was promised to me! everything is changing. everything is being destroyed! these aliens kill everything they touch, like poison. stop! this is not a proper challenge. this is a demon in a false body. it should not live. which is what exactly? eytukan, i have something to say, to everyone. speak, jakesully. a great evil is upon us. the sky people are coming to destroy hometree. they will be here soon. you have to leave, or you will die. at first it was just orders. then everything changed. i fell in love-- with the forest, with the omaticaya people -- -- with you. and by then, how could i tell you? bind them. take the ikran! attack from above! daughter -- take my bow. protect the people. bring her. wise ancestors who live within eywa, guide us. give us a sign. cut to: tsu'tey is olo'eyctan now. he's not going to let you get near that place. toruk macto! tsu'tey of the rongloa, son of ateyo. i stand before you, ready to serve the people. you are olo'eyctan, and you are the best warrior. i can't do this without you. the great mother may choose to save all that she is -- you know our chances suck. right. i see you, jakesully. forgive me, my brother. go now to the mother spirit.