they can fix a spinal, if you've got the money. but not on vet benefits, not in this economy. i became a marine for the hardship. to be hammered on the anvil of life. i told myself i could pass any test a man can pass. let's get it straight up front. i don't want your pity. i know the world's a cold-ass bitch. you want a fair deal, you're on the wrong planet. the strong prey on the weak. it's just the way things are. and nobody does a damn thing. all i ever wanted in my sorry-ass life was a single thing worth fighting for. cut to: i hope you realize you've just lost a customer! candy ass bitch. if it ain't rainin' we ain't trainin'! step off. you're ruinin' my good mood. the strong prey on the weak. a guy with a knife took all tommy would ever be, for the paper in his wallet. jesus, tommy. the suits' concern was touching. the egghead and the jarhead. tommy was the scientist, not me. he was the one who wanted to get shot light years out into space to find the answers. me -- i was just another dumb grunt gettin' sent someplace i was gonna regret. are we there? what're you two limpdicks starin' at? nothing like an old-school safety brief to put your mind at ease. cut to: yeah. that's why i'm here. damn. they got big. it looks like him. the idea is -- every driver is matched to his own avatar -- -- so their nervous systems are in tune. or something. which is why they offered me this gig, because i can link with tommy's avatar, which was insanely expensive. is this right? i just say whatever in these videologs? right. so, whatever. here i am. doing science. never been in a lab before. he's dead. i know it's a big inconvenience to everyone. no. high school chemistry. but i ditched. like -- an hour. don't! i got this. maybe i was just tired of doctors telling me what i couldn't do. kiss the darkest part of my lily white -- grace? that's kinda freaky. you guys're packing some heavy ordinance. yeah, no problem. i figured -- just another hellhole. just marines comparin' tattoos. got it. then how's this supposed to work? how do we contact them? or they may skin us and make a drum. what happened here? it's already pissed off! what do i do? oh yeah! who's bad?! that's right. that's what i'm talkin' about, bitch! that's right motherf-- what about this one? run, don't run? what? wait, don't -- look, um, i know you probably don't understand this. but -- thanks. thank you. i owe you. i would have been screwed if you hadn't come along -- hey, wait. wait! where you goin'? slow down a second will you. i just want to thank you for killing those -- okay, i'm sorry. whatever i did -- i'm sorry. they attacked me. how'm i the bad guy okay, fine, you love your little forest friends. so why not just let them kill my ass? what's the thinking? yes, why save me? if i'm so ignorant, maybe you should teach me. whooaa. then teach me to "see." hey, slow down. look, i think we just got off on the wrong foot and -- --you just have to get to know me. i'm jake. jake sull-- whooaaa -- shit! i need your help. so take me with you. what? what are they? what was that all about? what's your name? what's going on? your father!? uh, good to meet you, sir. who's eywa? jake sully. i came to learn. my cup is empty, trust me. just ask doctor augustine. i'm no scientist. i don't know. i was a marine -- uh, a warrior. of the jarhead clan. what's going on? what are they saying? so it's all good, right? you and me -- don't get up. you never told me your name. okay, again, a whole lot slower. nay-tee-ree. that's nice. nay-tee-ree. your mom likes me. i can tell. these rock. what are they? that's some damn fine teylu. that's like grandma's teylu. wha --? oh. yeah, doc -- and you are not going to believe where i am. cut to: it's not something you can teach. does augustine know about this? so -- who talks them into moving? what if they won't go? i'm on it. cut to: tsu'tey. mo'at. eytukan. got it. so who's this eywa? who's got a date with the chief's daughter? i didn't meet the sister. forward. i knew this guy could speak english. you've got outer columns, then a secondary ring here, and an inner ring. then a core structure, it's like a spiral, that's how they move up and down. roger that. yeah, so what does hold them up? grace explained it to me -- some kind of maglev effect because unobtanium is a superconductor, or something. at least somebody understands it. just not me. cut to: hey. you got a problem? holy shit. when? do i have to do this? i need some rack. yeah, yeah. the days are starting to blur together. the language is a bitch, but i figure it's like field-stripping a weapon. repetition. seyri. ontu, mikyun, nari. neytiri thinks i'm some kind of retard. norm's attitude has improved lately. ireiyo. it's good he's back on board, but he thinks i'm a retard too. my feet are getting tougher. i can run farther every day. i have to trust my body to know what to do. with neytiri it's learn fast or die. i sweet-talked mo'at into giving norm and grace a hall pass. now grace even makes me coffee before link every morning. i'm learning to read the trails, the tracks at the water-hole, the tiniest scents and sounds. sometimes i have no idea what she's talking about. it's been a month and i'm still not allowed to make a kill. she says the forest hasn't given permission. there's a lot of crap like that. she's always going on about the flow of energy-- the spirits of the animals and what not -- excuse me -- this is my video-log here, okay? everything is backwards now. like out there is the true world, and in here is the dream. i made a kill today. we ate it. i know where that meal came from. yeah yeah. get rid of this shit, then you can lecture me. not now. tomorrow we leave for iknimaya. that's right, grace. this is what i've been working for. what did happen at the school? jesus. iknimaya translates roughly as stairway to heaven. it's the test every young hunter has to pass. we doin' this? how will i know if he chooses me? outstanding. let's dance. that's right! you're mine. heeeyyyaaaah! shut the hell up!! level out! fly straight! i may not be much of a horse guy. but i was born to do this. the people call it toruk. last one you ever see. that's it. hey, guys. cut to: that's a long time. sorry. it's hard to put in words the deep connection the people have to the forest. they see a network of energy that flows through all living things. they know that all energy is only borrowed-- -- and one day you have to give it back. hard to believe it's only been three months. i can barely remember my old life. i'm not sure who i am anymore. cut to: you called us back to report -- you want to hear it or not? no. i can do this. i've gotta finish this thing. there's one more test -- the dream hunt. it's the final stage of becoming a man. then i'm one of them. they'll trust what i say. and i can negotiate the terms of their relocation. it's the last door -- i'm going through it. you can help me or get out of the way. i have to go all the way -- become one of you know why i'm here? because quaritch sent me. that's right -- to embed with the omaticaya. to find out how to screw them out of their home. by deceit or by force, he didn't care. and if it turned out to be force, then how best to do it. i'm not that guy any more. but if i tell quaritch the truth, he yanks me out -- i never see her again. and if i tell her the truth, the clan throws me out -- that's if they don't cut my heart out and show it to me. they don't even have a word for "lie" -- they had to learn it from us. it's okay. mo'at says an alien mind probably can't survive the dream hunt anyway. it's like -- a sound you feel. i don't want ninat. i've already chosen. but this woman must also choose me. neytiri, you know my real body is far away, sleeping. we are? really, we are? it's cool. i'm there. hey! heeeey! stop! stop! okay, listen. there's something i have to tell you. it's gonna be hard. i just need you to -- i accept. cut to: it's the only way to get him to goddamn listen. are you out of your goddamn mind?! you say you want to keep your people alive. start by listening to her. just tell him what you know in your heart. they're not going to give up their home -- they're not gonna make a deal. for what? lite beer and shopping channel? there's nothing we have that they want. we're a horror to them. we're the monsters from space. they're never going to leave hometree. yup. that's how it's done. when people are sitting on shit you want, you make them your enemy. then you're justified in taking it. when? look selfridge, you don't want this kind of blood on your hands. let me try to talk them out. they trust me. they sent me here to learn your ways. so one day i could bring this message, and you would believe it. yes. neytiri. please, i only wanted to -- you have to get out of hometree! run to the forest! please, i'm begging you! we've gotta move! he's gonna blow the columns. neytiri! neytiri! i'm sorry -- i was a warrior who dreamed he could bring peace. sooner or later though, you always have to wake up. thanks. so what do you say? time for a revolution? come on. cut to: get your ship fired up. stay here. i need somebody on the inside i can trust. take it nice and easy, troop. on the ground, face down. hands behind your head. go! go! go! oh yeah, baby! hang on, grace. cut to: it's strongest at the well of souls, right? good, `cause that's where we're going. i'm gonna get you some help, grace. no! the people can help you. i know it. cut to: the well of souls. the heart of the forest. i knew the people would go there. i've gotta try, norm. outcast. betrayer. alien. to ever face them again, i was gonna have to change the rules. sometimes your whole life boils down to one insane move. come on, boy. time to fly. the way i had it figured, toruk is the baddest cat in the sky. nothing attacks him. so why would he ever look up? but that was just a theory. i see you. ireiyo. grace is dying. i beg the help of the great mother. look where we are, grace. is that possible? hang on, they're gonna fix you up. i will. grace! with your permission, i will speak now. you would honor me by translating. the sky people have sent a message that they can take whatever they want, and no one can stop them. but we will send them a message. ride out, as fast as the wind can carry you, tell the other clans to come. tell them toruk macto calls to them. fly now with me brothers and sisters! fly! and we will show the sky people that this is our land! we rode out to the four winds. to the horse clans of the plain, to the ikran people of the mountains. when toruk macto called them, they came. talk fast. can you talk to selfridge? maybe we can cut some kinda deal before this thing goes all the way. when? thanks. that's right. because i gave it to him on a plate. then i guess we better stop him. gonna have to settle for coffee. cut to: i was a warrior who dreamed he could bring peace. but there was only one thing i was ever really good at. ooh-rah. strike here and here. yeah. what's your point? i've never done this in my life. and i'm probably just talking to a tree right now. but if you're there -- i need to give you a heads up. if grace is there with you -- look in her memories -- she can show you the world we come from. there's no green there. they killed their mother, and they're gonna do the same thing here. more sky people are gonna come. they're gonna come like a rain that never ends -- -- until they've covered the world. unless we stop them. it was worth a try. we have to stop the shuttles, no matter what it takes. what the hell -- ? whoo-hoooo! quaritch is gonna take out the well of souls! he's got a clear shot. hit him, anybody that can! do it now! it's all over quaritch -- kinda hoped you'd say that. i see you, tsu'tey te rongloa ateyitan. they're safe. no. i'm not officer material. i'm not killing you. no. a few chose to stay. fewer were chosen. the forest will heal, and so will the hearts of the people. new life keeps the energy flowing, like the breath of the world. this is my last videolog. the science guys will keep the lights on, here. but i won't miss this place. i better wrap this up. there's a funeral tonight, and i don't want to be late. it was someone very close to me.