what are you called? why did you come to us? we have tried to teach other sky people. it is hard to fill a cup which is already full. what are you? daughter. you will teach him our way, to speak and walk as we do. my daughter will teach you our ways. learn well, jakesully. we will see if your insanity can be cured. it is finished. something has come. it will take time for the meaning to be clear. is this true? neytiri! if you choose this path, you can never be tsahik. your life will be wasted. are you certain of this? you are one of us. help us! bring her, jakesully. -- in this body. possible, yes. she must pass through the eye of eywa -- and return. but jakesully-- she is very weak. her wounds were too great, there was not enough time. she is with eywa now.