rrreeyaaah! hyaaaah!! raaaarrrr! forgive me, my brother. forgive me. may your spirit run with the great mother. don't thank! you don't thank for this! this is sad. very sad, only. all this is your fault! they did not need to die. your fault! you are like a baby, making noise, don't know what to do. you should not come here, all of you! you only come and make problems. only. why save you? you have a strong heart. no fear. but stupid! ignorant like a child! sky people can not learn. you do not see. no one can teach you to see. you should not be here. no. you go back. atokirina'. seeds of the great tree -- very pure spirits. come! cut to: my father is deciding whether to kill you. that is mother. she is tsahik -- the one who interprets the will of eywa. do not speak. cut to: neytiri te ckaha mo'at'ite. neytiri. nay-tee-ree. teylu. you call beetle larvae. this is shahaylu -- the bond. feel her heartbeat, her breath. feel her strong legs. you may tell her what to do -- -- inside. for now, say where to go. again. again. cut to: do not look in her eye. ikran is not horse. once shahaylu is made, ikran will fly with only one hunter in the whole life. to become taronyu -- hunter -- you must choose your own ikran. and he must choose you. when you are ready. heeyaaahh! i see you, doctor grace augustine. when you hear nothing, you will hear everything. when you see nothing, you will see everything. a clean kill. you are ready. cut to: he will try to kill you. first flight seals the bond. you cannot wait. my grandfather's grandfather was toruk macto -- rider of last shadow. toruk chose him. it has only happened five times since the time of the first songs. toruk macto was mighty -- he brought the clans together in a time of great sorrow. all na'vi people know this story. you must dance! it is the way. when your spirit animal comes, you will know. this is a place for prayers to be heard. and sometimes answered. we call this utraya mokri -- the tree of voices. the voices of our ancestors, who live within eywa. you are omaticaya now. you may make your own bow from the wood of hometree. and you may choose a woman. we have many fine women. ninat is the best singer -- there is beyral -- she is a good hunter -- she already has. kissing is very good. but we have something better. this body is real. this spirit is real. when i was first your teacher, i hated all sky people. but you have also taught me. i am with you now, jake. we are mated for life. yes. it is our way. we are. jake! wake up! where ever you are, come back to me now. jake! i have chosen. what are you saying, jake? you knew this would happen? i trusted you, jake! you will never be one of the people! never! get away from me, jake. go away! never come back! toruk macto. i see you. i was afraid jake -- for my people. i'm not any more. our great mother does not take sides. she protects only the balance of life.