you are on pandora, ladies and gentlemen. respect that fact every second of every day. out beyond that fence every living thing that crawls, flies or squats in the mud wants to kill you and eat your eyes for jujubees. we have an indigenous population of humanoids here called the na'vi. they're fond of arrows dipped in a neurotoxin which can stop your heart in one minute. we operate -- we live -- at a constant threat condition yellow. as head of security, it's my job to keep you alive. i will not succeed -- -- not with all of you. if you wish to survive, you need a strong mental attitude, you need to follow procedure. for you pogues, this is a banshee. a small one. see, they like it when i bring fresh meat out here. and this clearcutting really stirs up the hornet's nest. so keep your head on a swivel. if it moves, shoot it. if you're not sure it's moving -- shoot it! if it looks like a bunch of flowers you want to take home to sally rottencrotch -- shoot it! what're you gonna do? outstanding. let's roll. this low gravity makes you soft. you get soft, pandora will shit you out dead with zero warning. i pulled your record, corporal. venezuela -- that was some mean bush. nothing like this here, though. you got heart kid, coming out here. i was in first recon a few years ahead of you. more than a few. two tours in nigeria, not a scratch. i come out here and -- they could fix this if i rotated back. but you know what? i kinda like it. reminds me every day what's out there. besides, i can't leave -- this is my war, here. the avatar program is a joke -- buncha limpdick scientists. but we have a unique opportunity here, you and i. a recon marine in an avatar body could get me the intel i need, on the ground, right in the hostiles' camp. looks good. i need you to learn about these savages, gain their trust. find out how i can force their cooperation, or hit `em hard if they don't. maybe you can keep some of my boys from going home like you. or bagged-and-tagged. on paper. you walk like one of her science pukes, you quack like one, but you report to me. can you do that for me? look, son -- i take care of my own. get me what i need, i'll see you get your legs back when you rotate home. your real legs. jarhead clan? and that worked? that's how you seize the initiative. i wish i had ten more like you. you got three months. that's when the dozers get there. i'm going to need accurate scans of all these columns. you're not gettin' lost in the woods, are you son? your last report was two weeks ago. i'm starting to doubt your resolve. from what i see, it's time to terminate this mission. look, you've given me plenty of usable intel. like this "well of souls" place -- i've got them by the balls with that, when it turns into a shit-fight. which it will. so you'll get your legs back, like i promised. (puts his hand on jake's then you need to get it done, corporal. cut to: freeze it, right -- there. get me a pilot! cut to: did i tell you to announce us? you crossed a line. you let me down, son. you got a little local pussy and completely forgot what team you play for. shut your fucking hole! we understand them just fine. thanks to jake here. since a deal can't be made -- it gets real simple. so thanks. i'm getting all emotional. i might just give you a big wet kiss. the rest of the squad? i can do it with minimal casualties to the indigenous. we'll clear them out with gas first. it'll be humane. more or less. hey, don't go limp on me now. this is exactly the incident we needed. well, i'd say diplomacy has failed. i think they mean to cut their throats if we don't back off. make sure you get a nice close-up of that. i can tack it onto the after-action report. alright, let's get this done. give me forty millimeter gas rounds, right in the front door. fire. that's how you scatter the roaches. okay, switch missiles. give me h-e's at the base of the west columns. bring it down. nice work people. alright, let's light it up. people, you are fighting for survival. there's an aboriginal horde out there massing for an attack. first slide. these orbital images show the hostiles' numbers have gone from a couple of hundred to over two thousand in one day, and more are pouring in. by next week it could be twenty thousand. then they'll be overrunning our perimeter here. we can't wait. our only security lies in pre- emptive attack. we will fight terror with terror. next slide. this mountain stronghold is supposedly protected by their deity. when we destroy it, we will blast a crater in their racial memory so deep they won't come within a thousand klicks of this place. cut to: i declared threat condition red. that puts all on-world assets under my command. you're a long way from earth. get him out of here. fire for effect. blue team, switch forties. fire at will. blue team, stay with the ground units. red team, with me. we're punching for the main target. there it is. valkyrie one, this is dragon. target is in sight. get back here you worthless pukes! what do you think? stay on target. switch missiles. arm all pods. let's see what these blue bastards do when i bitch-slap their goddess. put your mask on. nothing's over while i'm breathing. how does it feel to betray your own race?