sully -- colonel wants to see you in the armor bay. yeah, `cause we're not the only thing flyin' around out there. or the biggest. i'm gonna need you on a door gun, i'm a man short. see ya on the flight-line, zero nine. he's down there. sturmbeest herd, one o'clock. i'm going to have to call it, guys. we're not allowed to run night ops. colonel's orders. sorry, doc. he's just gonna have to hang on `till morning. it only takes tiny inputs. here, put your hand on the cyclic -- feel how small the moves are? you barely have to think it, and the aircraft reacts. yeah we are. look at my instruments. you should see your face. there usually isn't time to key the mike. i saw one take out a gunship once -- wham! total frickin' yard sale. ate the crew like peanuts. they're coming back. if you don't give him something, he's gonna shut us down. loveshack this is samson one six inbound hot to your pos. i have colonel quaritch with me and -- sorry sir, it's procedure. sec-ops is rolling the gunships. they're gonna hit hometree! now. we're spooling up now! i gotta go. screw it. personally i think steak's too good for these traitors. oops. all the way down, pendejo. well, at least they won't be able to track us up here. not this deep in the vortex. yeah. copy. frickin' daisycutters. you know he's gonna commit those bombers straight to the well of souls. we both did. you need to get some rack. going up against gunships with bows and arrows. you're not the only ones with guns, you pricks. on it. norm, i love you.