one key point: mrs. peel is a widow: she's obsessively devoted to the memory of her husband the scientist peter peel. you may find her a little . remote. they were a team. met at cambridge. working on a top secret research mission into weather conditions, code name the prospero project, when peel died. her husband was one of ours. diagnosis confirmed. mrs. peel is suffering from delusions and hallucinations. an extreme personality disorder. she imagines her husband peter peel has come back to her . a classic syndrome, to overcome her subconscious guilt at her other crimes. we've attached her to the dreamscape machine. we'll soon see what her unconscious looks like. i want you to say the first thing that comes into your head when i say these words. do you understand . ? blue . red . white . black. love. flower . nature . secret . hope. fear . peter . three days. he said if it vanished, he'd know it was . you who betrayed him. he took a huge risk. the ultimate test. she must remain here. she's highly dangerous. we are in the final phase. i shall require you to be especially obedient. there must be no failures. emma, my dear. how lovely you look. ah, but you haven't see the real me. watch closely .