how now brown cow . the rain in spain falls mainly on the plain . the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy -- ready as i'll ever be . thanks, valentine . one sunny day . peter! thank you . 'please answer the telephone.' kippers ? mr. john steed, please. impossible? as you see. i have an appointment. really -- what happened in 1922? thank you so much. i can find mr. steed myself . and you must be steed. please don't get up. i had a spot of bother at the door. 1922. why the kippers? so what was all this -- some sort of test? whereas you are. rules are made to be broken. and just what is the game? under the circumstances, you may call me mrs. peel. and now that we've settled the matter of honorifics, will you kindly explain why you wished me to meet you? mother? don't tell me: you're the shadow secret service. you're so hushhush, even the legit secret service knows nothing about it. am i right? hmmm . we're not here to talk about the weather, surely. let me guess -- 'father'? you're -- a kipper. or a red herring? what were they investigating? how curious . i'm no spy -- where do i fit in? i'm not sure i'm ready to return to work. i've been out of action for some time. i'll consider your proposal. me, isn't it? you're saying i have no choice. ropes? i've no intention of hiding them . my father always wanted a boy. i had a feeling you would. touche! do you? i thought we were on our way. or half cocked. steed, we really must be -- you can but i wish you wouldn't . that place is so absurd, so out of date . you know what i mean. this car -- and you. nobody walks around like that. milk? but why? what's the point? and i suppose you're the knight. that's predictable. when i find a queen in need of protection i'll let you know. sir august merryweather . why are we seeing him first? do we always follow mother's instructions? just what is your position, if you don't mind my asking. how did a stuffed shirt like you get into this line of work? i have no choice. why should you risk your life? no thanks. an eccentric recluse? june, july . august? any other vices? so . i distract him while you snoop around? how? original . missus . sir august . ? sir august . ? i've come to apply for membership in brolly -- i so agree. how did you acquire a taste for it? have we met? thank you, lady -- june . promised? who promised? you should be dead. how do you feel? you were very lucky. four shots to the heart. i found you after i slipped away from sir august. mother brought you here. not me you should thank. i mean your man trubshaw. your bullet-proof waistcoat. i thought you were just overdressed. mother and dr. darling have me under observation. they think i tried to kill you. you told them. you said i arrived on a camel, shot you four times. left you for dead. but that's absurd. i may not be over-fond of you, steed, but it's not my style. that's possible. sir august was convinced he'd met me before. but i'd never met him. another odd thing. when it rained, he said it was just as someone had promised. no. but he must know. incidentally, my double left you with this. did you say formal? i must dress. you mean my other self . i should have thought that was obvious . i'm in mourning. where's the picnic? another invitation. 38 marlborough terrace . how on earth can you tell? very good, steed . what's that? any ideas? is that written in his shoe? she had this in her mouth. there, there. major d'arcy . ? well, well. if it isn't me . thanks . i see what you mean about letting me do the risking . hello? sir august? what now? where's mother? you don't believe him? but he tried to warn us . not quite. this is my field. the prospero project was started by my husband. it was an early attempt to solve the problems of global warming. in theory, climate engineering is entirely feasible. we thought of injecting a chemical cocktail into the atmosphere by laser and satellite. a 'quick fix'. exactly. there'd been earlier attempts to pump carbon dioxide into deep sea. propane gas mostly. in small quantities it captures chlorine. protects the ozone layer. but it proved impractical. too bulky . that's what we were working on. directed by laser. bounced by satellite. quite possible. after the cold war . my car. i'll drive. three agents killed by bad weather. then a mad millionaire. head of a secret defense establishment. a group of eccentrics obsessed by weather . not that i know of. explanation? is that what you think? have i trespassed on a male prerogative? we're being followed. i saw him at trubshaw's . hold on . barely. this must be the last straw. someone didn't want us to get to the party. aha . yes . it's clear now. a trapezoid shape, dictated by twin diagonal paths and a single curving path. a late seventeenth century design, originally for king william of orange, copied. ah . steed . ! quite a collection. your voice -- it's so familiar . peter . ? i must be dreaming . peter . impossible . how? steed! where am i? was i? it was peter -- i saw him . bottle . head . knight . death . death . power . preserve. love. love . love . piper picked a peck of pickled peppers how many pecks of pickled peppers did peter peel -- ? how long have i been here? do you get paid by the hour? i resign. watch me. what are you trying to do to me? i thought i was a widow. my husband . the only man i ever loved . is dead. for the rest of my life i have to live with that. to you . ? the institute . the funding . so all that time. our work, our research was for you . for this? and the accident -- the official investigation . who? no. so i'm still . to find out who killed my husband. so am i. you followed me. to kill me? a long way down. i could save you the trouble. because you always obey orders . yes . ? and do you trust me? it wasn't me; you have my word. ready? four . seven . ni-. mmm . what are you doing? is that all? so i'm in the clear? but you did suspect me. you're playing games. i thought you played by the rules. i'm playing to win. please don't tell me it's how you play the game. no, after you. as far as you trust me. when it happens, steed, you'll be the first to know . who could that be? you lied. no idea who. no idea why . or grown-ups, who still like to be children. not to speak of. peter and i were both loners. there was nobody. i'm a wanted woman, i know . why's he called 'invisible'? aren't you coming? i see. peter's brother? but -- i know all this. surveillance? by whom? who's now vanished. are you suggesting that dr. darling and valentine were somehow in this together? but that's absurd. hurry? what for? i'm just now -- getting to what? i fail to see -- have we been invited? well, i can't possibly go like this. you may, mr. steed. it's called black leather. what is it? when all this is over, we simply must get you out of that suit. shall we? trubshaw again? what now? 'the merry widow?' i might have known. where's the reception? have a look at this. gentlemen, ladies. forgive the breach of protocol. an emergency -- anyone ever tell you you look like a housefly? anyone else need a lift? this time the shoe's on the other foot. you said a hand-made shoe was as good as a photo-fit or d.n.a.? well, all we have to do is find the shoe that fits . where are you going? you needn't bother. i can't drag you further into this. after all, i am still the chief suspect. but -- if you'd been through what i have, you wouldn't -- prince charming, i presume. your name is . oh my god . and now? let me guess: wonderland weather. i shall need a small plane. i'm going to find out who killed my husband. will you take these documents to steed? tell him i said . goodbye. this isn't a game. rules are made to be broken. then who wins? decontamination -- ? would that i could say the same. peter . it was you . all the time? you. but you died -- in the explosion . dr. darling, peter . all you . you killed my husband. too many cooks -- but i found you. all the clues led me here . but -- why? 'our revels now are ended.' i'm already married . valentine, listen to me . ring? you're mad. such as? the result would be . then what's stopping you? how wagnerian . do you mean to say you've waited all these years because you couldn't create a chip on your own? that would have amused peter. what are my choices? i'll never marry you. you must let me go . don't you understand? if he has me, he'll have no use for you . he'll destroy you . no. steed? what kept you? quick! '. in a beautiful pea green boat' still a bit chilly . have you any place in mind? i don't recall siberia being this warm, steed. our little paradise -- just made for two? pity your mother came, too . next assignment? ah . sun tan lotion. any shops nearby? thank you, steed.