all happy families here, mrs. peel. god, you're quick. a series of bizarre shifts in local weather patterns . jungle plants in the arctic? a lush english village transformed overnight into african scrubland? blizzards in summer? your mission is simple. find out how and why these agents died. one moment, mrs. peel. there's another special reason we wanted you to join our happy family; rather curious, actually . think of it as special assignment, mrs. peel. with a twist. you're our chief suspect. emergency alert . a cyclone hit banffshire last night. completely unpredicted . mobile hq. in a blue funk. can't take chances. i'm looking after things while he's hiding out . you're probably wondering how i can drive 'blind.' simple. a new prototype from the boys in x division. micro-sensors in the system read signals and road information. converts the info into miles per hour. ultra-sensitive. ultra-smart. so you say . it's mother you have to convince. he's very agitated. wait here. i'll see to it personally. we want mrs. peel. you disobeyed an order, steed. mrs. peel is dangerous; she cannot be trusted. i shall summon security. emma in wonderland. welcome, mrs. peel. we've been expecting you. we hope you'll enjoy your stay with us. decontamination is almost complete. and you've a new wardrobe. he does want you to look attractive. he tells me you're very beautiful. relax, mrs. peel. we're hundreds of feet below ground. the ministry made it impregnable. no one can save you. steed you reek of mrs. peel's black leather . mother betrayed me. she was going to replace me with a younger father. errand boy that's all i was. 'find steed' dr. darling, this is father. we have an intruder. i repeat -- congratulations. the clouds are on course . not yet! they haven't heard our terms . ! but all those people -- !