tell miss proudfoot, no calls. colonel jones at your service, mrs. peel. just a moment -- talk to the pipe, mrs. peel. that usually helps. don't worry about me being invisible. other than that i'm perfectly normal. or rather, you don't. learnt the tricks in camouflage. till this accident made a prang of things. how can i help you, mrs. peel? ah, here we are. steed asked me to play a hunch: valentine peel. half-brother to be precise. now let's see . eton, cambridge . research into robotics and plastics. overtaken by peter's work on the physics of climate change . do you also know that during your final experiment, your halfbrother- in-law was under surveillance? father. she gave him an 'all clear' after a security test by dr. darling. makes two of us. i was getting to it. the world council of ministers meets tomorrow to convene the new global defense initiative -- under the circumstances mother didn't see fit, but i think i can get you in . 'x' marks the spot. the shoes were delivered to . an island in hyde park. surrounded by the serpentine. on the site of a former ministry installation. privately owned by . very good, mrs. peel . you're not venturing alone, surely. of course. the shoes were delivered to an island in the serpentine - former ministry installation . she said to tell you goodbye. what?