steed -- ?! brenda and i thought we'd drop in. weather's turning nasty. oh yes i did. i want you to meet somebody. i expect you'll like her. that's better. i much prefer a womb with view, don't you, mrs. peel? shall i be mother? i expect you're wondering where you are. close. we're so hush-hush, even we know nothing about it. now let's see, there's coconut cake, date and walnut; i recommend the rum baba . looks like rain, steed. oh, yes we are. we've had a series of bizarre weather reports. we kept them hush-hush and sent agents into the field for data. case number one: april 14, 3:35 p.m., special agent simkins investigating mysterious fires in corn circles. a field outside the village of little snoring, one of the hottest days of the year. trapped by a sudden blizzard. found frozen to death in a giant ice cube -- like a mammoth in perma-frost. case two: pilot raymond shaw, may 6, 11:28 a.m. took off from a deserted airstrip near stoke poges, investigating bizarre atmospheric reports. a freak rainstorm downed him. knocked unconscious by a flying fish, falling from 15,000 feet. twenty-five inches of rain in eight minutes, over an area the size of a cricket pitch . . case three: june 2, 5:43 p.m. defense chief major courtnay. remains discovered in a turnip field near ashby de la zouche. our boffins recorded a sudden blast of heat. scorched earth, temperature of 1000 degrees. spontaneous combustion. not much of him left . my number two. special assignments. she's -- have a look at these, mrs. peel -- something strange is happening. and whoever knows about it doesn't want us to find out. your research into climate engineering was state-of-the-art. your experiments could have revolutionized our knowledge of global warming -- had they succeeded. we need your expertise. eye witness reports. strangers in the area. one description tallied in all three places. recognize her? father will be your controller. steed here will show you the ropes. she may not know. theory goes she may be very ill. possibly. split personality . who knows? if dr. darling is right, you should watch out. she may try to kill you. something went wrong. system malfunction. explosion. mrs. peel had a narrow escape. suspected sabotage. nothing proven. file still open. still doesn't. better safe than sorry. she was in a dangerous game, steed. high stakes. she may prove to be a risk. if she is, there's only one solution. termination. you. welcome to mobile h.q. weather's turning quite nasty. sir august was blown to smithereens. along with half of banffshire. the ministry's worried. too late anyway. today's escapade was only for starters. this is no ordinary weather. it's manmade. a kind of weather bomb. would it be possible to use it for military purposes? london. the world council of ministers meets soon on global defence. if you can control the weather, you control the world. this man -- did you see him? you are here under observation, mrs. peel. you must answer dr. darling's questions you need treatment, mrs. peel. you can't resign. don't open that, mrs. peel! we want to help! the death of peter peel was a great loss. to us all . peter peel was a first class agent. a senior operative. 'x' department special operations. he was engaged in top secret research. top priority. government approved. a cover . for us. i'm sorry. was written by me. it was sabotage, mrs. peel. quite frankly . it could have been you. her husband suspected someone very close to the operation. on the day he died, he was setting a test. to prove to himself -- to us that his wife was beyond suspicion. he had to be certain. he said he was going to give mrs. peel something . i want you to remember. did peter give you anything on-that day? under suspicion. everyone died in the explosion, mrs. peel. you were the only survivor . this is an official matter, mrs. peel. no need to take it personally. where are you going? the doors and walls are monitored, mrs. peel. this is a very secure establishment. pity. i was growing fond of mrs. peel. unfortunately -- mother and father know best. something quick. nothing too . messy. inside that hall are some of the most powerful figures in the world. tight security. our only option. where's mrs. peel? you're getting yourself into terrible trouble, my son. weather's turning very nasty -- and so am i. where? i'm warning you for the last time, steed: whoever's behind all this, looks like mrs. peel, walks like mrs. peel and kills like mrs. peel. steed?? find mrs. peel. dense cloud formation moving south- west. on course for the center of the city. a fog floating in from the river. the prediction is . unstable chemical reaction. enforce the curfew . emergency stand by . ! about your next assignment, mrs. peel . ahem. as i was saying, perhaps another macaroon .