brenda -- ? mother. i thought you were burglars. something in the wind? you didn't come to talk about the weather, surely. 'her'? doctor peel, i presume? i was about to throw in the towel. i shouldn't wonder. not a woman inside boodles since -- red herring would have been too obvious, don't you think? congratulations, you've penetrated a bastion of male privilege. i guessed you weren't a stickler for tradition, doctor. dyed in the wool. but i can admire someone who doesn't play by the rules. not by me. play by the rules, doctor, or the game is nothing. i say, this is all terribly formal. must i go an calling you dr. peel? much better. i didn't. mother did. i expect you'll like him. tea time -- four o'clock. mustn't be late. a word of warning. don't take the macaroon. mother's favorite. showers followed by sunny periods. ah . from trubshaw's. my shoemaker. global warming? perhaps i'd better start calling you doctor again, mrs. peel -- think she really killed those agents? amnesia? insane . ? why? perhaps i ought to talk with dr. darling. how come you took so much interest in her, dr. darling? peel? did she know? anyone particular in mind? you're a lady of hidden talents, mrs. peel . scientist . . marksman . . swordsman . . to what do you attribute your overachievements? really? i fail to see the connection. i take your point. yes indeed. i need protection. oh, absolutely, but trubshaw's a man worth meeting. no point setting out half shod. i couldn't agree more. thank you, trubshaw. ahh. perfect fit. the luxury of a hand-made shoe. as unique as a face or a fingerprint. or should i say dna? thank you, trubshaw . do you really think so? press that button, would you? tea? sorry. didn't mean to interrupt your flow of oratory . not all tradition is bad, mrs. peel. no thank you. a gentleman has to have a code. this is part of mine. a uniform. think of it as my suit of shining armor. the most unpredictable piece on the board. and always ready to protect his queen. i'm hoping you will. as per mother's instructions. for a man in my position -- they call me in when they've reached a dead end. freelance. like yourself. after our fencing match, i was rather hoping you would do the risking. more tea? i meant me. according to mother, sir august owns half of the highlands. a millionaire. former head of special projects at the ministry. now . not so much eccentric. more barking mad. he has a wife called june. and a daughter somewhere -- julie. the family does seem to be somewhat meteorologically inclined. all of a piece, really. a fanatical weatherman. chairman of brolly. british royal organisation for lasting liquid years. thinks british weather has been tampered with by . aliens. small talk. try the weather. i say, this is a bit much. 'the merry widow'? manners, mrs. peel. ah, brenda . mrs. peel? strange. i wasn't about to. i might say the same. why should they think that? frankly that's how i remember it. perhaps your memory plays tricks, mrs. peel. did he say who? an invitation. to a 'formal picnic'? i must say, you look more your old self -- either way . may i ask: why you dress in that fashion? i can't wait to see afternoon. for you, mrs. peel. hm . a veuve-cliquot '56 . but he bites the end of his monte cristos . ? clearly, we're dealing with a maniac. colonel crabtree. international satellite systems. formerly of the ministry. elementary, mrs. peel. trubshaw isn't the only shoemaker still practicing his trade . what on earth? well, he was a fellow of the royal zoological society . common knowledge, mrs. peel . not again. there's got to be another. way to go about this. now, now . 'i can't give you anything but love, baby' for you, mrs. peel. ask mother. we know one thing. that suspect was not mrs. peel. don't bother. here's a bus . we had a lead to wonderland weather but we got there too late. someone tipped them off . impossible. is there anything that isn't? filling in mother nature's blind spots . ? but if someone miniaturized the process. sounds as if someone's hijacked your research. where would they aim for? the hot and cold war . shame. i was recommended. by a friend. sir august merryweather? i was looking for something relaxing. say, a tuscan hillside in june? seriously? you don't say. how real does it feel? there are limits? no need. i'll call again. a day in the country . and by you, mrs. peel . and by you, mrs. peel. everything points to you. no sisters? no undiscovered twin? according to dr. darling, you're a psychopathic personality with schizophrenic delusions, suffering from recurring amnesia based on traumatic repression, leading to outbursts of anti-social and violent behavior. q.e.d. oh, well . just my type, mrs. peel. do you always drive this fast? turn! i think so, thank you so much . i feel sure of it. she was . both, actually. you don't say. like looking for a needle in a . what, lady disdain? are you yet breathing? you will let me know if you find that queen who's in need of protection, won't you? here's the one that broke the camel's back. i expect we'll have to gatecrash. wonderland weather ltd. mrs. peel? i think i'm seeing double again. mrs. peel . ? mrs. peel . ? mrs. peel . ! mrs. peel . your lipstick . not again. oh, no. first time, shame on you. third time, shame on me. the winslow home for retired lepidoptorists. i'm so sorry i struck you, mrs. peel. please forgive me. i thought you were someone else . i expect that's for you to know and me to find out . no. her husband, she says. alice tried to warn us. a trap. tell mother beware. tell father that's all. i think you owe mrs. peel an explanation . you're accusing mrs. peel of killing her own husband? guilty until proven innocent? orders. nothing personal. careful. you might fall. no trouble. always. except . when i don't. it comes down to one thing, mrs. peel. trust. i could be convinced, if . i knew who poisoned me in the maze. that kiss . i need proof. it was longer. on the lips. much longer. approximately . fifteen seconds. keeping a stiff upper lip? not for a moment. aren't we all, mrs. peel? i thought you didn't. winning isn't everything. after you -- mrs. peel . you don't trust me? no -- don't answer it . that's it. the phones trigger the explosions -- don't -- don't answer it -- ! get down -- get down -- it's going to explode -- ! mother? how did you find me? i told mother i took care of you. i equivocated. but you're not their big worry at present. it's dr. darling: he's disappeared . drat. someone wants to implicate you in this affair, mrs. peel. any idea who? teddy bears, cuckoo clocks, toys all children's things . quite. any childhood friends? enemies? very well. i have a friend who might be of assistance. he's at the ministry. we'd better be careful. his name's jones. 'invisible' jones. you'll find out. i'll catch you up. don't worry; he's expecting you. i say, trubshaw, steed here . barometer's falling fast. mrs. peel and i find ourselves in need of foul weather gear. yes, i'd say gentlemen's snuff for starters. and then -- we must hurry, mrs. peel . you didn't tell her? there's a reception this evening. colonel jones thinks it advisable we attend. i had a feeling. that's why we're in a hurry . may i have the honor, mrs. peel? what's that you're wearing? intoxicating. here, have one of these. limpet bomb. small, very compact. from trubshaw's. you first. snuff. i must insist you try some. they're playing your song, mrs. peel. oh, hello . dead, i'm afraid. i think she can. can you? bad news. father's looking for you. where are those bloody ministers? it's almost may, for heaven sake. quick --it'll protect you -- after him, mrs. peel! go -- ! i thought it was cinderella who lost her slipper . i'll be back . laying in supplies, mrs. peel weather may get very nasty and i've no umbrella . no bother. mother and father think i've joined you. i might as well. oh, and by the way, i think it's about time you got rid of that chip on your shoulder. a microtag. one of mother's little toys. there you are. free at last. where's mrs. peel? what? i was hoping you could tell me. i'm going to follow up on a hunch of my own. if i'm right, mrs. peel is innocent and you have a mole. in your operation. 'the prospero project' 'o brave new world that hath such people in it.' i said it's not goodbye yet. listen, i'm going to need some help. in a hurry . how did you guess? it was you who gave valentine peel his security clearance . you're the mole who betrayed the ministry. well, you found me. have a sniff of this, why don't you? careful, the scent can be overpowering . blast. what to do? mrs. peel! the things i do for england . oh, dear. someone's going to pay for this. valentine peel. i see you've gone back to using your original face. perish the thought. they said you were a very naughty boy. i was at harrow . bang-bang . you're dead. one shot -- for emergencies. rules are made to be broken. i do. did i? my mistake. mrs. peel -- ! you must be joking . that will do. you are, and it's behind you. i think she really likes you . where's mrs. peel? emma! emma . mrs. peel? the plot. hello, we must be going . 'the owl and the pussycat went to sea -' a fine night, mrs. peel . english weather. you know, after all we've been through, i should say we deserve a long holiday . as a matter of fact i have . it's the latest thing, mrs. peel. not quite. our chaperon. still a little warm, trubshaw. is this the '28? a little more ice, i think . must be. trubshaw's busy. i'll send mother . thank you, mrs. peel.