atmospheric pressure checked, antenna ready. thermal chamber ready . compression module set . temperature control on course between one and one forty . water turbulence steady . good luck . peter . emma. readings still normal . emma, peter, get out! it's going to explode! emma . get out! leave him -- ! emma! don't wait for him -- he's not -- darling emma -- yes, we: the true genius behind the prospero project . oh, no. i arranged the explosion. a slight miscalculation -- my face was burned beyond recognition. fortunately my research into plastics came in handy . an unholy trinity . for starters. of course i had to kill the teddy bears, as well . spoil the majority shareholders. in wonderland weather. i planned everything, even the ministry recruiting you . of course. i planned that, too. you disappoint me, emma. can't you guess? for you. it was all for you . oh, no, emma. they've only just begun . think of this as your second wedding feast . come, come, you're a widow -- a most attractive widow. now i think of it, we'll need a bridesmaid. here. my latest model. a compound of plastics and sensor chips. a big improvement on the old x404s. the poor thing is quite fond of me. emma, say hello to emma. you know, i believe she's actually jealous. right, bridesmaid. now what have i left out? oh, yes, i know: the ring. how silly of me -- let me make you comfortable first . that's better. i say, isn't this where you came in? it's impenetrable, by the way . entirely. on the other hand mad people get things done. let me show you -- people expect weather to be free. they're used to it. i call that a denial of freedom. no freedom of choice. an abuse of human rights. they buy water, electricity, gas. why shouldn't they be able to buy their own weather if they want to? if they have a little incentive . destruction of their local weather systems. i can zap a thousand chernobyls into the air. chaos. transport paralysis. crop failure. economic disaster. frostbite or sunburn . on a massive scale. you've seen a few samples. one very small thing. a diamond 'cyclone' chip. a thousand times more information on a fraction of the size. if i possess that, my powers would be unlimited. my dear half-brother was developing it. but he suspected sabotage. he gave the chip to . you, 'mrs.' peel. i want you. but also your ring. the missing piece of the jigsaw. i tried to get you to give it to me as peter; i tried to steal it from you as dr. darling. as myself i'll be a bit less subtle. with this ring my plan will be complete. speaking of peter, there's more good news: you won't even have to change your last name. you'll always be mrs. peel. choices? one out of two isn't bad. i'll keep you alive, darling emma. in a year or five, you may change your mind. if you're still in it. this little toy gave me back my face. it can replace yours. what do you think? medusa? madame defarge? maggie thatcher? ah. that will be steed. he followed you. please excuse me. i have work to do. my most spectacular performance. a ballet of clouds. it was made for you. i want to give you a heart, emma. i want all of london to see it. and now with this . they will. and for an encore: the biggest cyclone in history will wipe the city from the face of the earth. shape of things to come, my darling. start the countdown. action stations. five minutes . to explode. london will be ashes. are you insane? stop the program and you activate the auto-destruct! my cloud ballet! my cyclone! my dear. i wouldn't want you to miss the grand finale . find her. kill her . john steed. the last one you'll ever see. did they tell you at eton that i was fencing champion, too? you're better than i expected. but did they teach you this? you wish. that's not playing by the rules. if you say so. you said . one shot. i wouldn't do that, if i were you. bullet-proof waistcoats -- just the thing. i get mine from trubshaw's. we'll be off now, won't we, darling? we wouldn't want to miss the fireworks. figure it out if you can, steed . fool . aren't you forgetting about something? come, come. you don't really expect me to fall for -- let go, you . idiot . ugh .