password affirmative. thank you, doctor. eh? in here! hello . hello? . who the hell? who is this? . you must leave the test area. i repeat, leave the area . help is on the way . ladies, gentlemen and bears . today is history. the first day of the future. i welcome you to the first general meeting of the wonderland corporation, now allied with our colleagues from brolly . you have all given time, money and expertise to achieve our goal. but we are reaching a new phase of our operation. from today, many of you will no longer be needed. i have to warn you . a cuckoo. the first sign of spring, and . a cuckoo in our nest. our organization is no longer secret. agents are investigating us. their names are john steed and emma peel. i believe we have a traitor among us . perhaps more than one . that remains to be seen. when we find the traitors, they will be dealt with severely. here. in this building. by our estimate, they will enter this room in thirty-five point five seconds precisely . i am sorry the party is over. but we shall meet again. to each of you a gift. a token of my appreciation. naughty teddy . ask not for whom the telephone rings, it rings for thee . go to the window . to the window. ask not for whom the telephone rings . walk over to the window . stay by the window. by the window. now this is more like it . i wouldn't shake that too hard. the weather might turn nasty. if nature gives a man a collector's mind, it doesn't matter what he collects. butterflies. old china. penny farthings. a true collector grows more obsessive as the years pass. we have met . where'd she go? ah, here we are . congratulations, mrs. peel. you have been a worthy opponent. you have tracked us down. you are within an ace of winning. quite right, but we still make the rules. people, too. you and i. together. but first you must confront your greatest enemy. who could that be, mrs. peel? the answer is obvious . yourself.