have you been waiting long? you'll have to excuse me. i'll wait for you here. but where are you going? if i had a man waiting for me for half an hour and whom i hadn't seen for a month . what! after giving us such a run around. i see. so it's farewell to the yacht. and farewell to the cruise. that seems to apply to you also. how should i be . arrogant? it was lovelier before. it's all my fault! there's nothing much to laugh at. did you sleep well? i didn't know one could sleep so well on a yacht. it lulls you . oh, no. please. not here. it looks too dangerous. what is that one over there called? sounds like the name of a fish -- merluzzo, basiluzzo. stop . stop the boat! but how did you become aware of it? did it touch you? this one is gorgeous. there's the difference between you and me: you know how to put over certain things, and i don't. sometimes i envy you. better dead. i'm certainly not going to swim across. i would say he's pretty depraved. one would have to be in love with somebody to know that. not really. it's suffocating in here. shall we go out? oh, how sweet. what a dear little darling! to the shark. at what? that sounds like a good idea. but why don't we all go together? well, what? all i said was that it sounds like a good idea. twelve years . but why haven't they married? i'm beginning to have my doubts. it couldn't be that they're in love? how wonderful! i think you're very sweet, corrado. there's no comparison. and where's anna? isn't she on the yacht? patrizia! . is anna there? it's a lamb! find anything? somebody must live here! what do you mean! what about anna? as far as i'm concerned, i think she's alive. why, even this morning. that business about the shark. it wasn't at all true. i. i don't know. i didn't think it was worthwhile. she was laughing over it. maybe you'd better ask him. and how do you explain that? but why don't you tell him? a girl who was with us has disappeared. no, she didn't drown. she just disappeared, and nobody knows where. rather than being so occupied with my thoughts, you would have been better off trying to understand what anna was thinking. anna! . . . anna! i'm sorry about last night. please forgive me. yes, very much so. occasionally, but always with affection. i know. i keep asking myself what i could have done to prevent all this from happening. i think that you might go and have a look yourself. calm?. he doesn't seem so to me. he was awake all night. do you want me to open it? it's because of this. the dress. it's because of this dress. anna gave it to me yesterday, right after the swim. i'm going with the patrol boat to make a tour around the islands. i just can't leave without first searching those islands, one by one. yes. have you read it?. they're asking for anyone with information to get in touch with them. yes, you should go. i know it's difficult. but if you go on like this it will become even more difficult. please, don't look so solemn. and don't wait for the train to come in. please, please leave. i don't want to look out of the window and wave to you with a handkerchief. go ahead, now say something! i want to know just what it is we have to say to each other. sandro, i don't want you to come with me, i don't want to see you. how can i make it clear to you?. why did you come? but sooner or later we've got to end this relationship. and it's better to do it right now. oh, sandro. for me they are exactly as they were when we met three days ago -- just three days ago. don't you realize? and you and anna. no, i guess they aren't like that any more. my god, is it possible to forget in such a short time, for things to change so quickly? but it's so sad. so terribly sad. i'm not used to it, i'm not ready for it. you know. i have never been so upset in my life. sandro, why don't you help me? no, i'm sure it won't. move over there. let's make believe nothing happened. and when we get to the next station, get off. me. i. i. please leave me alone. no, sandro, please. i ask you as a favor. promise that you won't try to look for me. you shouldn't try to look for me any more. from rome. an intelligent clergyman, princess? but i think the intelligent clergymen of today have so many other things to do. it was futile. we went all over. but why does she do these things? i can't stand it any more. it's divine! do you consider that a compliment? but for what reason should i come there? they're all nudes, if i'm not mistaken. not really. giulia! it couldn't be any clearer. i think all you have to do, giulia, is to close the door. i'm not coming. any news? how long have you been married? my god . let's hope it was her. after that, you didn't see her anymore? oh, no. what are you saying? i'm not insinuating anything. look at that bridge! who knows why they even bothered to make it. look at that: a factory. a station. and look at those tracks, all full of weeds. but why? it's late. we should be going. let's get out of here, fast. this is not a town, it's a cemetery. sandro . maybe it's best that you go in alone. don't think that i want to save myself from any embarrassment, from the awkwardness of meeting anna. it's not that; it's that you can say certain things easier if you're alone. please, sandro, do try to understand me. it would look like i was trying to influence you, to force you, to control you. and that makes me feel uncomfortable. some cigarettes, please. do you have any?. nazionali with filters . oh, sandro. i'm so ashamed of myself, so ashamed. i tried to hide myself. i feel so small. i hate myself . oh no. it doesn't please me at all. because what i'm doing is so ugly . because if you told me right now: "claudia, i love you," i would believe you. no. because then i'd force you to swear it, i'd force you to tell me an infinite amount of things. and that wouldn't be right, it couldn't be right. it would be absurd. but just think -- the very same things you had said to her who knows how many times. maybe even just before we left, while i was waiting outside your place. and why did you drop them? i'm sure you'd be able to design some very lovely things. what! get married? what do i say? what can i say? no. at least, not yet. i don't know. i can't even think of it. at a time like this. oh, but why did you have to ask me? and are you sure you want to marry me? are you really sure. that you want to marry. me? so. oh, how i wish that everything were so much simpler. that people could just come together by the color of their hair or the size of their shoes. what size shoe do you wear? size 9. that's a very lovely size. but i'm sorry, i wear size 8. but why am i so infatuated with you? yes, yes, yes, yes. right away. and you leave me here all alone. in this hotel room. very well. but you must first tell me that when you go out without me it's like going out without one of your legs. go ahead, have a look around the town all by yourself, but you'll have to hobble along on only one leg. and you must also tell me that you are filled with a great desire to embrace my shadow on the walls. then you must tell me. you must tell me that you love me. so, you wonder why? okay. in a few minutes. i was just coming out to meet you. how come you're back so soon? sandro . what's the matter? no, sandro. please. no reason why. what's the matter with you? sandro, wait a moment, just one moment. you seem like an entirely different person . what are you saying? oh, sandro. i want everything you do. but. did the hotel manager speak to you about that place nearby? no, sandro. we should go. besides, we haven't been in touch with anybody. not even with anna's father. we should have at least sent a wire or telephoned. let's be fair, he must be feeling awfully lonely. come, let's go. pack your things, and i'll get mine ready too. how are you? shouldn't we try to find a quieter place? how do you manage to put up with all this confusion? you always said people bore you. my childhood, instead, was a very sensible one. it means being without money. sandro, listen. try not to get yourself too involved tomorrow. you said you wanted to quit working for ettore. sandro, i'm not coming down. i'm too sleepy. late, very late. i look at things differently. but maybe it's best we talk about it some other time. do you mind turning off that light over there? good night. tell me that you love me. tell me once more. i deserve it. patrizia. patrizia . where's ettore? would you please see if sandro is with him? he's not in his room. i'm sorry to disturb you. patrizia, i'm afraid. i'm afraid that anna has come back. i feel she's back, and that they're together. just several days ago, the thought of anna being dead would have made me sick. and now, i don't even cry, i'm afraid she might be alive. everything is becoming so damned simple and easy, even to deprive one's self of pain and suffering. Yes, you're right. I'm sick and tired of being like that.