i detest comparisons made with oil. you must know your third grade geography book inside out. that must be basiluzzo. now that one is lisca bianca. aren't you going in for a swim, patrizia? why? i'm going ashore to take a look around the island. there are some ruins up there. well, we're still in italy, you know! what happened? who's moving? if any of you get into your bathing suits again, you can be sure we won't be seeing one another for the rest of the year. i just can't stand seeing anybody in the city after having seen them naked on the beach. say, claudia, wouldn't you like to climb up with me and take a look over there? at the ruins. they're very ancient, you know. well? have you decided? do you know why? because if you saw those ruins i'm sure you would have said they were very, very beautiful. you always say "how beautiful" to everything -- whether it's the sea, or a baby, or a cat! you have such a sensitive little heart that it throbs for anything. but corrado. if something is beautiful why shouldn't one say so? giulia, that remark is not worthy of our twelve years of honest concubinage. i repeat, once and for all, and publicly, that i admire you. does that please you? i hope so. that's patrizia's way of letting us know she's with us. more so than the shark? then why don't we go up and see the ruins? please, giulia; must you always emphasize the obvious? i can see for myself that the weather is changing. perhaps she's taking a swim somewhere. it's really a fact -- there's nothing new under the sun. now, look here. look at this structure. a kind of natural shelter. sandro, that's how you should design your houses. but anna wouldn't be staying with the kind of people who live here. there are some footprints around here. then let's get started. it's senseless to waste any more time. i'll stay here also. if it rains, i'll buy myself an umbrella. claudia, i know how you feel, but there are already two of us staying. really! still, it remains to be seen why she invented a shark. what was her purpose in that? what were you and anna arguing about?. excuse me for being so indiscreet, but this is serious. ah, then it was you. i heard a boat leaving here at two o'clock today. in the afternoon? come, claudia. come back inside. what do you think? yes, that was a very good idea. don't look at me like that, marshal. i had nothing to do with it. really! so that you can stuff it with your geraniums. and what are we going to do now? i didn't think you'd be back so early. and why didn't you go there? so. the boat we saw yesterday afternoon might have also been that of these smugglers. could it be possible, then, that anna? i was saying. it might even be possible that anna had left with them. listen, marshal. as for there being reasons for going away, anyone of us might have three thousand of them. so you can assume that she had them. what i want to know, is it possible that the smugglers might have taken her aboard? did you hear that? what do you plan on doing? when one approaches fifty, my dear, he is affected only by the cold. you mean sandro? i told you already. he's not in. at least he's not at the hotel. giulia is like oscar wilde; give her the superfluous and she will do without the essential.