and who is this? by the way, have you phoned him? now look what has to go and happen. at a time when i'll be needing him. how can we discuss things when we lack dates and figures?. well, what are you all waiting for? send a car out to get him. he can't be more than a couple of hundred miles away. maybe. but do you know that forty thousand persons a year disappear in italy without leaving a single trace behind them. forty thousand! almost as much as the entire population of san siro. raimondo, will you go and see if you can locate sandro? it wouldn't really do you any harm to skip a meal. sandro?. oh, sure. i can see sandro calling anna over to him and saying: listen, anna, i intend to get rid of you, but since it's so painful and complicated. and besides, i don't happen to have a gun on me. why don't you do me a favor and get rid of yourself on your own. but. where is the prince?. is he well? princess, why don't you sell this villa? i would turn it into a lovely psychiatric clinic. that's him; he'd die if he didn't have somebody to quote. he comes up with quotations like that even at a board of directors meeting. well, finally. come, i'll introduce you to my friends. say, i hope it's understood that starting tomorrow morning, i'll need to have you around. if you don't give me some figures to work with, how can i proceed? what is it? and you expect to find him in here? go and ask claudia.