okay. just sign here. have the next one come in. he's the last, isn't he? they tell me you have a lot of trouble at home. is that right? so that's why you've turned to smuggling, eh? you need the money. now, i can help you. i can see that you get some assistance from the government. but first there's a little formality we've got to take care of. just a few questions and then we can all go to lunch. your friend tells me you dropped anchor three times. now, we're getting somewhere! they're beginning to contradict each other. now look here, your friend just swore to me that you weren't able to do any fishing at all because the sea was too rough. and what about the other boat? now look, my men saw it and they also saw you men throwing those crates overboard. what have you got to say about that? now look here, i'm ready to forget the whole thing: the cigarettes, the contraband -- everything. if you would only tell me. you or your friends. whether the girl was aboard your boat and how far she went. just as i thought. even if you caught them in the act, they'd deny it. they always deny everything. and then, in this case, if they were to admit having had the girl aboard, it would mean they'd be admitting to the charge of carrying contraband. oh, it's easy to say: talk! but if they did talk, the following morning you'd find them cold dead in front of their doorstep. at any rate, we'll continue investigating. i know that headquarters has sent out an alarm to all areas. that's francesco zuria. he's the news correspondent. zuria is in messina. you might try him. shall we phone him? yes. with whom did you leave the crate of cigarettes?