anything new develop? very well. first of all, i'll have them search the waters around the island. i brought two frogmen with me. meanwhile, we'll take a look up around here. don't worry, we've got everything. i know, i know. one thing at a time. is it also true that you saw no boat around here at lisca between yesterday and this morning? i believe you, i believe you. but i'm also certain that you're hiding something from me. i can see it written all over your face. and you know that i have never liked your face. and if you want to know something, that gentleman over there. . who's a very important person. doesn't like it either. so, just keep that in mind. i'll talk to you later. without any doubt, sir. if anything belonging to the girl who has run away is still here on this island. i'm sorry, sir. i didn't mean to put it that way. but, you must understand, sir, that i. here's her valise, sir. sir, if you have no objections, may we start the search? okay. i'll send them down to that part of the beach over there. we'll try again. up until now those smugglers were operating only around the palermo area. this will be a nice surprise for the lieutenant in milazzo. call up headquarters. bring them up to date and have them give you instructions on what to do with this crate. i wonder where they could have unloaded the stuff . maybe right here at lisca. but for what reason would she have wanted to go away? i think it's possible. what is it about?