yes. until proven otherwise. wait a moment. can't you see i'm busy? how old are you? how do you find the men of messina? are you shocked by their warm display of friendliness? and how were you received in palermo? she did exactly the same thing in palermo. do you like her? she costs a hundred thousand lire. no, i'm not. why do you think she does all this? it's one of the many ways she can put herself on display. when you bait the trap, the mouse will snap. to tell you the truth, if it wasn't for the fact that one hundred thousand lire represents my whole month's salary, well. but you had something you wanted to ask me? oh. i'm sorry i have to rush but i've got to write a story about this thing that just happened. tell me exactly how it all turned out. as a matter of fact, i've already had several phone calls on that article. one said they had seen the missing girl in an automobile somewhere in rome. another one said they saw her on the pier talking with some strange sailors. could be she secretly left the island by boat. who knows?. another one has it that she entered a store in troina. this information comes from the storekeeper himself who stated that such and such a girl had bought i don't know what in his store. at troina. about fifty miles or so. if you want, i'll give you the name of the storekeeper. yes, but why do you think our readers would be interested in such news now? even if i sent it, the editors wouldn't print it. pardon me, but why must i do you a favor?