hey, how you doing? dr. sullivan. staying on the old patient, he eventually manages, too late - dr. sullivan, this is dr. sayer; ' ': : ' ' -'. there's a kind a "deadness" in sullivan's eyes and voice; he's been here too long. i think i prefer them the other way. having settled on margaret: she smiles, glances to "her" patient, rose, who, staring at her reflection in a hand mirror, tugs at her grey hair. len - come on. leonard steps into the elevator, the last one in. you chose this place? why? why? the opera house? how's it going, frank? frank glances blankly at anthony and another orderly, who are hanging out nearby with bert, passing around a road & track magazine. how do you feel? pontiac firebird, 350 engine, now there's a car, bert. welcome back. "you build me up, buttercup, " only to let me down . " v it's like a cocktail party - everybody dressed up, some singing, some milling around talking. leonard tries to enjoy it, too, struggling to contain,, to hide from the others, the tics that are trying to "come out."