living people, yes. patients. neurology lab? he doesn't laugh at sayer, just at the thought of it. we have an x-ray room. sayer tries to share the director's amusement with a good- * natured smile, but doesn't really understand it. kaufman seems * to have less time for this, and in plain english, unadorned - * a doctor . doctor. the director refers to stapled sheets of paper in his hands, sayer's resume. the camel institute. tell me * about that, anything with patients * there? or . . . * sorry? , > maybe before. at saint thomas. all research. earth - ? are they? back in medical school . kaufman shoots the director a look that says, no, we're not that desperate. i mean, you couldn't have graduated without some clinical experience. . sayer hesitates. and eventually manages sort of a shrug and a n od ., v' well, there we are, doctor. kaufman can't believe it, but is sent back a look that says, we have no choice. the director gets up out of his chair, and, smiling broadly, extends his hand to sayer. which unsettles sayer. which in turn unsettles the director. you do want the job, don't you? sayer isn't so sure. he thinks about it long and hard . . .