how 'bout those jets? leonard glances at the rear view mirror and finds in it the driver's eyes. broadway joe. the driver glances back to see what leonard thinks of that. * leonard nods uncertainly. youre not from here. where? i don't mind sitting here if you don't, but to what end are we sitting here? leonard watches a waitress in the diner, paula, chatting with some young customers. his hand moves to and onto the car door handle, but then hesitates opening it. paula is getting her coat and leaving with her friends. they have ice skates. i didn't mean that, just - beautiful, isn't it. i thank god for him every day. every single day. leonard begins to weep softly. once hector notices, he slows the car, pulls to the curb, and studies leonard in the rear view mirror. has this man lost a child? the taxi engine idles. : r-- ' , \% leave? you're our guest, we got dinner coming. we're having something to eat. his wife agrees with a couple of words in spanish as she gets * up and crosses toward the kitchen. . stay with us. hey - i don't want it. at least let me give you a lift wherever you're going. what's wrong with you, len? i know that. leonard smiles; the man does know it, and appreciates it.