- the-position-ds-staff-^neurologist. . sayer looks like a man who's just learned that everything he * knows about the world is wrong. f it can't. thanks anyway. freud believed in miracles. prescribing cocaine like it was candy . . . sayer has to hurry to keep up with his supervisor as he heads toward the hospital. we all believed in the "miracle" of cortisone until our patients went psychotic on it. now it's l-dopa. he hands over the papers - xeroxed articles from medical journals and newspapers which sayer gave him to read - and keeps going, sayer straggling a few steps back. with all due "respect," it's rather way too soon. let the chemists do the damage. the gap between them widens as sayer slows. he expected this sort of reaction from kaufman, but had hoped for another. kaufman disappears into the building. how do you know? because they catch tennis balls? r. iiji! and what if this drug were to kill them? how many did you think i ' d let you put on it? one. with the family's consent. signed. sayer tries to hide his elation and turns to leave before kaufman changes his mind. that "immense" project of yours. the myelin? the worms? when that failed, what was the reaction of your lab supervisor? sayer thinks about lying, but senses kaufman knows the answer * already and just wants to hear him say it. so he does: z^ when you say expensive, what are we talking about? that would be for how long? a month? sayer nods. kaufman glances away. stares blankly at faces at other tables. back to sayer. i can't go before the board with that. i could . . . the few patrons this hospital has give what they can. i think you overestimate the effect mr. lowe has on people. we're talking about money here. kaufman sips at his coffee and slowly becomes aware of the silence around them. no one is talking. he glances up as miss costello walks by setting something on the table in front of him. she leaves the cafeteria without a word. where is it? : * mr. lowe, i ' m sorry, i ' m afraid i don't understand. what is it * you want now? * and what is that? what difference does that make? i don't know. tell me. i 'm curious . . . i can tell this is important to you but i ' m not sure why. what would you do if you went out? i ' m hot you. enlighten me. i'll tell you what, we'll take it under consideration. we'll let you know. who? - so have the others - oh, is that it - i've got 20 psychotics up there, "doctor," refusing to eat. they have no idea whv they're refusing to eat. how long should i let that go - mr. lowe is not the messiah of ward 5, he's a man in trouble. he wasn't "resurrected," he was administered a drug - by. you - that's fallen somewhat short of its "miraculous" reputation - he's been oq it longer! sayer has no rejoinder. a silence before: