. . i called to my sister, but she couldn't hear me. no one could hear me. i was alone . . . and then i woke up. she smiles. sayer tries to. he hesitates . but finally can't help asking her - what year is it? you don't know? he shakes his head 'no.' she glances around the place, then leans close to him and whispers - 26. you're my prince charming. close on hands rapidly dealing 3-card monte. the cards eventually settle, and the hand of someone else hesitates over them before gingerly tapping one. as it's turned over: comes love's old song comes love's old sweet song . . . her voice trails into silence. , i learned that song a long, long (\_y time ago. i know what year it is . . . i ju st ca n' t i ma gin e be i ng o lde r th an tw e nt y- t wo , i h a veno e xper ience at i t. i know it's not 1926 . . . i just need it to be.