when you say you're working with people, you don't mean living people. ( where? oh, malcolm, malcolm, come back, come on. you're a benchman, you're no clinician, why would you lower yourself? sayer hasn't an answer for him. how's hank? he's great, he's brilliant, look at him. sayer glances away to hank the monkey, watches him. mann studies sayer, chagrined and incredulous. a physician? you? he slaps him angrily across the shoulders with some papers. the monkey completes a complex sequence which opens a chamber revealing an electric train. the animal jumps and hoots with wild glee. sayer reaches out and presses the button on the stop watch dangling from mann's neck. don't look at me like that. it's for his alphabet lessons. we're busy, hank, go play solitaire. the monkey obediently goes off in search of a deck of cards. gesturing at patterns on the eeg -- asleep. first stage normal. second a little dull. normal awake. slightly erratic. no more so than a lot of people walking the streets of new york. i give up, what's wrong with him? this is him awake? this is him asleep? sayer nods. mann tries, without success, to make some sort of sense out of that. what are you saying? when he's awake, what, he's dreaming? and when he's asleep . . . ? that's what you think these say? what's this peak? strobe?