are you sure it was here? where was the bus? look further to the right. why did you wait so long to contact the police? stop right there. they're from around here. find out who has a .270 caliber rifle. hassan ibrahim? why did you shoot at the bus? then who, you idiot? that was your rifle. oh yeah? to who? hey, do you know where abdullah adboum lives? they told us he lived around here. if you're lying to me i'm going to come back and cut your balls off. this abdullah doesn't live where you said he did. you're going to take us. and if they're not there, i'll cut your tongue out and i'll kill your husband. stop. there they are. move that truck. god damn it. what's happening? is he armed? what are the others doing? is the other one still walking this way? aim. on the ground. on the ground. go help them.