i won. yes. yes sir. yes sir, mrs. rachel told me. i'm very sorry. how is mrs. susan?. no sir, don't worry. your dad is calling. did you brush your teeth? one and then you're going to sleep. once there was a hawk who wanted to fly higher than everyone else. he trained every day and hunted little birds so he could eat them and be strong. of course, that's what hawks eat. so, one day the hawk flew so, so high that it crashed into an airplane. it fainted and started to fall. and when it was about to hit the ground, all the birds flew toward him and saved him. yes, and when the hawk was healthy again he went to talk to the birds and said: i want to thank you for saving me, but i can't change and i'm going to keep hunting you. the little birds answered: we don't care that you hunt us, because that's who you are. but we will always save you, because that's who we are. did you like it? quedamos en que se iban a dormir con la luz apagada. no pasa nada. a ti no te va a pasar eso. that only happens to some babies when they're really little. he wasn't angry, he was just very sad. go to sleep. i'll sit here with you, but you can't talk anymore. yes. your sister-in-law promised me to find someone. it's because. i told mrs. jones three months ago that today is my son's wedding. sir, everything is ready. can't anyone come take care of the kids? it's just one day. do you want another quesadilla? none, because he started to like quesadillas. yes, but today you're not going to school. we have things to do. i just want you to take of them for today. and she won't go out? ok, thanks. i'll call you tomorrow. please, it's my son's wedding. i helped you out with that thing with your boyfriend. just for the day, lucia. i'll be back for them tonight. tell her they're your nephews. yes, you're going to see my house. not very. good morning. i couldn't find anyone to leave them with. their parents aren't coming back today. they're good kids. santiago, i have to take them. i can't leave them with just anybody. come on, don't tempt the fates. yes, this is mexico. yes. i guess so. son, you look like pedro infante. where's the bride? what d'you mean she's not here yet? look son, these are mike and debbie, the kids i take care of. and it's been 15 years since i last wore this dress. working, dear, working, that's what keeps one young. what are you guys laughing about? how many pots of rice did you make? too many people have come, that's not going to be enough. make two more pots. and you maria eugenia, warm up more tortillas. santiago. please go kill another six chickens, or there won't be enough food. luis, the priest is here and patricia hasn't arrived. where is she? fifteen minutes left before the wedding and you have no idea? did you get into a fight with patricia? i didn't bust my hump to pay for this wedding for patricia not to show. so she's either coming or she's coming. i'm going to see if they're inside. what's the matter? that happens when you're nervous. there's no way the baby's coming; she's only six months pregnant. d'you want to get married? well, let's go then. well, we'll have the wedding and baptize the kid while we're at it. i don't think your wife would have liked that. okay, just one. don't worry, it's ok. pronto. muy pronto. se quedaron ms rato. yes. yes he is. he won't. yo tambin hijito, yo tambin. i can't. i have to take these kids home and it's almost dawn. i wish, but these kids have to go to school. see you soon, son. congratulations, dear. take care of my grandson 'cause i'm dying to be a grandmother. hey. be careful. i'm in charge of them. what are you doing? santiago, stop acting crazy and stop the car. santiago, stop. everything's all right sweeties. stop. stop. are you crazy? where? santiago, calm down. come with me, dears. don't cry. we're going home now. let's go. get down. we have to keep walking. because coyotes and snakes and quails have already breathed that air. yes. no, it doesn't rot. we all breathe this air. just a little further and we'll go look for water. we're going to rest here for a while. no, there aren't any. come, lie down. stay still. because they think we did something wrong. no, sweetie, i'm not bad. i just did something stupid. i love you very much, sweetie. debbie, we've got to go. debbie, sweetheart, wake up. sweetie, i'm going to go look for help. stay here and don't move. honey, you have to take care of debbie. i won't be long. i promise. stop, stop. sir. sir. stop. please help me. i have to go get two kids i left behind in the desert. no, they're american. i didn't cross, i live here. please, help me find these kids. i left those kids in the desert, i swear. over there. they must be around here. i swear they're around here somewhere. they must be over that way. i left them about a kilometer in from the road. i swear they're around here. please sir, believe me. i swear, they're lost, they're going to die. i have to find them. please no. please. yes sir. yes sir. i had to look for help. how are they? i just took the kids to my son's wedding. sir, i raised these kids since they were born. i take care of them day and night. i feed them breakfast, lunch and dinner. i play with them. mike and debbie are like my own children. what about my nephew, santiago? i've been living here for fifteen years. my things are here, i rent a house, i made my life here. i want to talk to a lawyer. do you have a cigarette? thank you. yes sir. ok sir, mrs. rachel told me. i'm very sorry. how is mrs. susan? no sir, don't worry.